On the Self Healing powers of the body: Life’s Engineering

How the Body Heals

by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton

The greatest engineering feat of which we know anything is the building of a complex animal organism from a microscopic ovum. Think, for instance, of the marvels of the human body with its pulleys and levers to perform mechanical work, its channels for distribution of food and drainage of sewage and its means of regulating its temperature and adapting its actions and functions to its varied environments and needs. Its nervous system and the eyes, ears, etc. are constant sources of wonder. We regard the radio as a wonderful invention, as indeed it is, but we are all equipped with more wonderful “sending” and “receiving” sets than any radio manufacturer will ever produce. All human inventions have their protypes in the animal body.

In studying the wonders of the body, its structures, functions, development, growth and its varied powers and capacities, it is well to keep in mind that the building and preservation of all these things is from within. The power, force or intelligence that evolves the adult body from the fertilized ovum is in the body, is part of it and is in constant and unceasing control of all its activities. Whether it is an intelligent power or a blind energy, it works determinately toward the latest results in complexity of structure and function. In development and maintenance, and in health and disease, the movements of life appear to be guided by intelligence more often than the conscious intelligence of man. Indeed, unless we grant that something can come out of nothing, that intelligence can come out of that which has no intelligence, we must believe that the conscious intelligence of man is a subordinate part of that broader intelligence that evolves his body and which inheres in it.

If we view a few of the engineering feats performed by the body in cases of injury and disease, we are forcibly struck with the truth of Sylvester Graham’s remark: “In all these operations the organic instincts act determinately, and, as it were, rationally, with reference to a final cause of good, viz., the removal of the offending cause.” Some of these wonderful feats have been presented to you in previous chapters. We will here present a few of a different class.

To begin with, let us consider the natural healing of a wound, scratch or broken skin. We have become so accustomed to this familiar phenomenon that we have come to regard it as an almost mechanical process. But a close examination of the process shows us the presence of that same marvelous intelligence that built the body from a tiny microscopic speck of protoplasm to its present state.

Whenever the skin is broken or cut there is an exudation of blood which coagulates and forms an airtight scab. This scab serves as a protection to the wound and remains for a shorter or longer time as is needed.

Underneath this scab a wonderful thing occurs. Blood is rushed to the injured part in large quantities. The tissues, nerve and muscle cells, etc. on each side of the wound start multiplying rapidly and build a “cell-bridge” across the gap until the severed edges of the wound are reunited. But this is no mere haphazard process. Everywhere is apparent the presence of directing law and order. The newly-formed cells of the blood vessels unite with their brothers on the other side so that, in an orderly and evenly manner, the channels of circulation are re-established. In this same lawful and orderly manner the connective tissues reunite. Skillfully, and just as a lineman repairs a telegraph system, do the nerve cells repair their broken line. Muscles and other tissues are repaired in a similar manner. And what is a wonderfully marvelous fact to observe, no mistakes are made in this connective tissue, but each tissue connects with its kind.

After the wound is healed, when a new skin has been formed so that there is no longer any need for the protecting scab, nature proceeds to undermine and get rid of it. As long as the scab was useful it was firmly attached to the skin so that it was not easy to pull it off, but when there was no longer need for it, it was undermined so that it fell off of its own weight.

What more evidence than this does one require to know that the same intelligent power that built our bodies is also the power that heals it? What better evidence do we want that the healing process is accomplished in the same orderly manner and by means of the same functions with which the body is built, maintained and modified to meet its present needs.

We get a still more wonderful view of how nature performs her work if we observe the healing of a fractured or broken bone. If an arm or leg be broken, this same marvelous intelligence that has brought us from ovum to adulthood immediately sets about to repair the damage done. A liquid substance is secreted and deposited over the entire surface of the bone in each direction from the point of fracture. This section quickly hardens into a bone-like substance and is firmly attached to the two sections of the bone. Until nature can repair the damage, this “bone ring” forms the chief support whereby the limb can be used. By the same process of cell multiplication which we saw in the healing of the wound, the ends of the bone are reunited. The circulatory channels are re-established through the part. It is then that the “bone ring” support is softened and absorbed, except about an eighth to a quarter of an inch about the point of fracture.

If you strike your finger with a hammer, a very painful bruise is the result. There is an effusion of blood under the surface, with inflammation and discoloration. The tissues are mangled, the cells are broken and many of them are killed. But does the thumb always remain so? No. As time passes, new tissues are formed to replace the dead ones and the dead blood and tissue cells are carried away by the bloodstream. The inflammation subsides, the pain ceases and the bruise is healed and soon forgotten. Thus again is manifested the marvelous intelligence of the power that superintends the workshop which we call our body. Once again we watch its work and see its marvelous efficiency as a workman.

A similar manifestation of the body’s self-healing, self-adjusting and self-repairing powers is seen in the common accident whereby a sliver becomes embedded in the flesh. If it is not removed immediately, nature, or vital force, does a skillful little piece of engineering and removes it for us. Pain and inflammation are soon followed by the formation of pus, which breaks down the tissues, towards the surface of the body. Gradually increasing in amount, the pus finally breaks through the overlying skin and runs out, carrying the sliver along as a souvenir.

A remarkable engineering feat is presented to us in abscess formations. Ordinarily the abscess is limited by a thick protective wall of granulation tissue which prevents the abscess from spreading and prevents rapid escape of the pus into the circulation.

In appendicitis the loops of the bowels around the appendix form friendly adhesions. They adhere together and form a strong wall against further spread of the trouble. Within this enclosure the abscesses form. The line of least resistance normally is into the bowels so that practically every case, if not interfered with by meddlesome doctors, will rupture into the bowels and the pus will pass out with the stools.

Where the ice bag is employed for one or two days prior to the usual operations, there is a noticeable lack of effort on the part of nature to wall off the appendix from the rest of the abdominal cavity. However, where the ice bag has not been employed, a distinct walling off of the acutely inflamed and gangrenous appendix from the general peritoneal cavity is found. So greatly does the ice bag interfere with the curative and protective operations of nature that one of the leading abdominal surgeons of this country declares: “I have entirely discarded the use of the ice bag, and in cases brought to me in which it has been used, I always announce beforehand that I expect to find a gangrenous appendix and am seldom surprised. Clearly the ice bag should never be used in cases of actual or suspected appendicitis.” Nature can do her own work in her own way, and all our so-called aiding of nature amounts to is nothing more than meddlesome and pernicious interference.

Acute inflammation of the liver usually terminates in resolution, but sometimes it terminates in suppuration with abscess formation. This is more apt to be the case in hot climates. The amount of matter discharged from an abscess of the liver is sometimes enormous, and it is wonderful to see in what ways nature operates in getting rid of it.

There are several channels through which the pus may be sent out of the system. The inflammation may extend upward until an adhesion to the diaphragm is accomplished. A dense wall of scar tissue is first formed around the abscess. The abscess then extends through the diaphragm to the lungs, which become adherent to the diaphragm. Liver, diaphragm and lungs form one solid piece. A tight union of these organs prevents the pus from pouring into the peritoneal or pleural cavities. A hole is eaten through the lung and the pus is poured into a bronchial tube and is coughed up, emptying the abscess and leaving a clean hole. The wall of scar tissue thrown up around the path of the abscess grows stronger and contracts until, finally, only the scar remains, it having closed the hole, and the patient is well.

The abscess may be directed downward or to the side of the liver. In such a case the process is the same except the liver becomes united to the stomach, the intestines or the walls of the abdomen by adhesions produced by inflammation. If it adheres to the stomach or intestine, the abscess will perforate into these and the pus will pass out in the stools. If it becomes adherent to the wall of the abdomen, the abscess will “come to a head” under the skin and the pus will be discharged on the surface of the body. In either case cicatrization follows and the patient is well. In some cases the abscess discharges into the gallbladder and passes from there into the intestine. It has also been known to “point” on the back.

It sometimes happens in weak individuals that nature is not able to make proper connections along the line of march and the pus ends up in the pleural cavity, resulting in empyema, or in the abdominal cavity, where it results in peritonitis and, usually, death.

Another daring engineering feat is often accomplished by nature in the case of gallstones that are too large to pass through the bile duct directly into the small intestine. She frequently causes the gallbladder to adhere, by means of inflammation, to the wall of the intestine. An ulcer forms, making a hole through both the wall of the gallbladder and the wall of the intestine. The stone slips through into the intestine and passes out with the stools. The hole heals up and all is well again. In other cases the stone may be sent out through the abdominal wall and skin, on the outside of the body.

An unusual piece of engineering which shows, in a remarkable manner, the ingenuity of nature in her efforts at prolonging life in spite of every obstacle, is recorded by J. F. Baldwin, A.M., M.D., F.A.C.S., in a surgical paper dealing with blood transfusions. He performed an operation on a middle-aged woman who had been having frequent hemorrhages from her bowels for several years. He says:

At the operation I removed a snarl of small bowel, making the usual anastamosis. Examination of this snarl showed that there had been an intestinal obstruction, but nature had overcome it by ulceration between adherent loops of the bowel above and below the obstruction. The ulcer persisted, however, and it was its persistent bleeding that caused her anemia. She made an excellent recovery and got fat and hearty.

It looks like a real intelligence at work when nature causes two folds of the bowels to adhere together and then ulcerates through them in order to make a passage around an obstruction. There cannot be the slightest doubt that the ulcer would have healed, leaving a passage, and the bleeding stopped, had the opportunity been afforded it. Nature probably cried out day after day in unmistakable language for the cessation of feeding long enough for her to complete her engineering feat. But this was never given her. The ulcerated surface was kept constantly irritated with food, and drugs as well.

Abscesses everywhere in the body are limited and walled off by the formation of a thick wall of granulation tissue. Gangrene is also walled off in the same manner. The necrosed portion then sloughs off; nature grows new tissue to take the place of the destroyed tissue and the place is healed.

Encapsulation is the process of surrounding a body or substance with a capsule. A cyst or capsule consists of a cavity lined according to its origin by endothelium (in preexisting cavities of connective tissue—exudation cysts) or epithelium (in pre-existing epithelial cavities—retention cysts) with a fluid or semifluid content.

Those of chief interest to us here are known as distention cysts and are divided into:

(a) Retention cysts, which are due to the obstruction of the excretory ducts of glands. The cavity becomes filled with the secretion of the gland which later becomes altered and circumscribed by a fibrous wall. These may develop in any glandular structure, as pancreas, kidneys, salivary glands, mammary glands, sebaceous glands (wens).

Around a foreign body like a bullet, such a capsule forms. There is first inflammation and perhaps suppuration. But if this fails to remove the bullet, a capsule of tissue also containing fluid is formed, and the bullet is rendered innocuous. A similar thing frequently happens in the lungs in the case of germs. Rausse thought this fluid was a variety of mucus and thought that chemical or drug poisons were enveloped in this same “musus” to render them harmless and that they were then deposited in the tissues. He says with regard to the face that this theory cannot at present be demonstrated:

This theory is founded upon the incontrovertible principle of nature in the alimentary and organic world, that nature operates similarly under similar circumstances. Hence, the theory here offered loses none of its certainty because we are unable to recognize with the unaided eye, on account of their minuteness, the inimical atoms and the minute network around them, and to exhibit them by section.

—Water Cure Manual, p. 92, 1845.

The encapsulation of exudates, excretions, extravasions, disintegrating tissues, germs, parasites, bullets and other foreign bodies renders them harmless. The process and structure it evolves are plainly defensive measures. They once more remind us of the many and varied emergency measures the body has at its command.

The formation of gallstones and other stones is in itself an engineering feat that serves a useful purpose and even extends and saves life. In the lungs, for instance, in those who have tuberculosis, the affected spots are often the seat of the formation of stones. When this takes place, the disease in that part ends. Medical authorities consider that nature employs this means to wall up the tubercle bacilli.

The formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, just as in the lungs, is the end result of inflammation and undoubtedly serves a definite and useful purpose. Sometimes, it is true, they are made so large that they are the source of much trouble, but it is safe to assume that they are never made larger than the gravity of the situation demands. Most gallstones are small enough that they pass out without causing pain, and the individual is never aware that he or she has had them. A large number of people examined at autopsies are found to have gallstones in the gallbladder and were never aware that they had them. They never cause trouble until they go to pass out and only then if they are small enough to get into the gall duct but too large to make the entire passage. A stone that may easily travel through the common duct may be forced, with extreme difficulty, through the small opening of the duct into the intestine. This causes severe pain. As soon as the stone is forced through, the pain ceases. (The sufferer then thinks that it was the last treatment he employed that relieved the pain and “cured” his troubles.)

A thrombus is a small blood clot formed inside a blood vessel. The condition is called thrombosis and the vessel is said to be thrombosed. They are the result of injury and inflammation and may completely plug the vessel.

In the intestines are many small glands composed of lymphoid structure just as are the tonsils of the throat. They are known as Pyer’s patches. In typhoid fever these patches are swollen or enlarged (hypertrophied), and frequently they suppurate. They may slough off. This peeling off may result in a hemorrhage or it may not, depending on whether or not all the vessels in that locality are tightly thrombosed. If they are all tightly thrombosed, no hemorrhage occurs. If the work of sealing the vessel is not complete or perfect, then a hemorrhage occurs with more or less loss of blood before it finally ceases. This is but another evidence of nature’s engineering work. These thrombi may later be swept into the general circulation and carried to some vital spot where they are too large to pass through the artery and may there cut off the blood to parts of the organ, causing it to die of starvation. Starvation would only occur in cases of stopping of an “end artery.”

“Anastamosing” arteries would soon establish sufficient collateral or compensatory circulation to supply the part with blood.

If heat or friction of sufficient intensity and duration is applied to the skin, a blister forms; that is, a watery exudate or serum is poured out of the surrounding tissues and circulation into the “space” between the dermis and epidermis and detaches the dermis from this, raising it up and thus protecting the tissues beneath. The accumulated fluid holds back the heat or, in the case of sunburn, the actinic rays, and protects from the friction. This little piece of engineering work is quite obviously a defensive work. In both burns and sunburn, inflammation and healing follow the blister, and in the case of sunburn pigmentation occurs to protect from future sunburn.

Of a similarly defensive nature are corns and callouses that form on the feet and hands or any other surface of the body that is subjected to constant friction. The clerk who deserts the store for manual labor finds his hands are tender and blister easily when he handles tools. However, before many days have passed, the skin on his hands has become thickened and hardened, ultimately becoming almost horn-like. When this occurs, he finds that no reasonable amount of hard work blisters his hands.

Tumors likely begin in this same manner. They probably begin as hardening and thickening of the tissues at a point of irritation as a means of defense.

Hardening and thickening of the tissues occurs in any and all parts of the body to resist constant irritation. This can be seen in the mouth, stomach and intestines of those who employ salt and condiments. It is seen in the constant use of drugs. Silver nitrate, for instance, if repeatedly employed, converts the mucous surface upon which it is used into a kind of half-living leather. Other organs harden and thicken as a result of toxic irritation. Toxemia, with or without the aid of external irritation, often necessitates, at certain points of the body, the erection of greater than ordinary barriers against it. When the normal cells of a local spot become so impaired that they no longer successfully resist the encroachment of toxins, not only are the usual defense processes brought into activity, but also, since a more than usual condition is to be met, nature calls into play her heavier battalions. She begins by erecting a barrier of connective tissue cells. Then, with a slowly-yielding fight against the toxins, she continues to erect her barriers. This may continue until the tumor becomes so large as to constitute a source of danger itself. Were it not for the erection of this barrier, the causes against which it is erected would destroy life long before they ultimately do. The tumor actually prolongs life.

A process similar to this is seen in plants that have been invaded by parasites. The large, rough excrescences seen on oak trees form about the larva of a certain fly. This fly lays its eggs beneath the bark of the tree. The larva which develop from the eggs secrete a substance that results in the formation of the huge tumorous mass. Large tumor-like masses form on the roots and stalks of cabbages as a result of parasitic invasion. The olive tree also develops tumors from a similar cause, while cedar trees present peculiar growths called “witches’ brooms” as a result of a fungus growing on them. There are many other examples, and they are all quite obviously protective measures. Tumor formation is undoubtedly due to a variation in the complex relations determining normal growth and is of a distinctively protective nature. A tumor is not a source of danger until it begins to break down.

In inflammation of the kidneys due to the impairment of kidney function, the normal constituents of the urine are decreased. They remain in the blood instead of being eliminated. Due to the necessity of removing from the circulation, the salts, etc., that are normally eliminated through the kidneys, and due also to the necessity of keeping these in dilute solution so long as they remain in the body, and to the equal necessity of removing them from the circulation, drospy develops in various portions of the body, particularly in the tissues immediately under the skin. It may also collect in the cavities of the body. When kidney function is restored, the dropsical fluid is gradually absorbed into circulation and eliminated.

An aneurism is an inflated portion of an artery. If the walls of an artery become weak at a given place, they either burst, some of its coats are strengthened or else it becomes bulged out due to the pressure of the blood from within. The body at once sets about to protect itself by forming a vail of new tissue around the aneurism. Should it rupture so that the blood finds its way along between other organs, a wall of scar tissue is thrown up around the aneurism to limit the escape of blood. This is called a dissecting aneurism.

Thus we might continue giving example after example of the wonderful engineering feats of the body and show with what marvelous powers and works it meets emergencies and protects its own vital interests. When we consider the wonderful mechanism of the human body, the certainty with which all organs perform their allotted work, the marvelous ingenuity with which the body meets emergencies, its almost limitless powers of repair and recuperation, we develop a large respect and admiration for the healing powers of the body and learn to view with contempt and disgust the means that people employ in unintelligent efforts to “cure.”

Well did Jennings affirm:

But at every step of her (nature’s) downward progress (in the face of pathoferic causes she cannot overcome), her tendency and effort have been to ascend and remount the pinnacle of her greatness; and even now, in the depth of her degradation, the tendency of all that remains of her, of principle or law, power and action, is still upwards.

Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? I offer consultations, learn more about them here: https://www.therawkey.com/consultations/

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group: New Groups start on the 1st of every month! https://www.therawkey.com/terrain-diet-support-group/

Eat fruit and be well my friends.

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Nutrient Density vs Assimilation

Is meat beneficial because it is nutrient-dense? Should we be eating grass-fed beef because it is nutrient-dense?

Have you heard people saying they eat a nutrient-dense diet? Often those promoting non-human appropriate foods like grass-fed beef promote this false concept of nutrient density as though the amount of one specific nutrient in a food makes it beneficial and can cancel out all of the detrimental effects of a food. This falls under the more is better fallacy.

For example, the disease industry promotes cooked tomatoes because they are higher in lycopene, but they ignore the fact that cooking the tomato turns the organic minerals into inorganic minerals, making them unusable, that cooking destroys the vitamin C content of the tomatoes and that cooking results in a destruction of the enzymes and many other nutrients. More lycopene does not make the cooked tomato better than the raw tomato, in fact, the cooked tomato is significantly worse for our health.

Another example of this fallacy is when people promote eating animal tissues for iron. Animal tissues contain heme iron, while plants contain non-heme iron.

The claim is the body absorbs more heme iron but this is NOT a benefit, it is an injury to the body. The non-heme iron is usable, but the heme iron is not. Heme iron that comes from animal tissues increases the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. (see Heme vs Non-Heme Iron – https://nutritionfacts.org/…/the-safety-of-heme-vs-non…/ )

Fruits and lettuce greens are full of usable iron in appropriate amounts to meet the body’s needs without overwhelming the body. More is not better, more is often much worse. Just like getting in more calories than we need is detrimental or eating more protein than we need is the leading cause of cancer and chronic disease.

Nutrient density is not a factor that results in health. Nutrient assimilation is. It’s not about how much of any one nutrient we can get, but how much we can use and if the source is free from causing injury to our body. It doesn’t do any good to load up on a substance that is high in a specific nutrient if that substance also contains things that injure the body. For example, spinach is rich in calcium, but it is also full of oxalates. A small amount of spinach, with its small amount of oxalates is easily managed by the oxalobacter bacteria in our digestive tract, but eat a lot of spinach and you will find that your health begins to suffer.

But that is precisely what the nutrient-density promoters are doing. They are eating a substance – red meat – that poisons their body with ammonia laboring under the false idea that it is nutrient-dense and therefore healthy. Please don’t fall for their tricks.


Food constitutes some of the raw materials that become part of the overall nutritive processes that sustain our bodies. When our bodies receive food, it is broken down mechanically and chemically into components that can be absorbed and synthesized by our cells into substances usable by the body. Many people think about foods as having different actions on the body but in fact, food is inert and the body takes all actions upon the food.

To be appropriated for the use of the body, food must be first mechanically crushed, then mixed with digestive enzymes and acids to be chemically broken down into its smallest components. Those components, amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, vitamins, and minerals can then be transported through the walls of the digestive tract, into the bloodstream, and to the cells for use.

“Nutrition is a vital process carried on only by a living organism. It is a process of growth, development and invigoration. To eat good food and enough of it, to drink pure water and breathe pure air, in and of themselves, are very desirable, but something more is needed in order to acquire health, strength and vigor. Nutrition is dependent on function. We can have better nutritive function only when we have a capacity for better nutrition.

Food is of value only in its physiological connections with air, water, sunshine, rest and sleep, exercise or activity, cleanliness and wholesome mental and moral influences—in short, all the natural or normal circumstances which we know to be necessary for the preservation of health.” – Dr Herbert Shelton

Assimilation and utilization are oft overlooked when discussing nutrition. We can eat all ideal foods but if we aren’t able to assimilate or make use of those foods then they simply pass through our bodies wasted.

There are many factors that can affect our body’s ability to assimilate the nutrition we are giving it. Some of those factors are under our direct control, while others are a result of the long-term damage to our digestive tracts and take time for the body to be able to make the necessary repairs, clean out the backed-up waste that is inhibiting the cells from optimal performance and clean out the fat that is blocking nutrients from getting into our cells.

Sometimes this damage requires full physiological rest – water fasting – in order to fully repair. In those cases, fasting for a week or a few weeks can make more of a difference than many years of eating because we are, by resting fully, allowing the repair of the mechanisms that assimilate our foods. If those mechanisms are impaired then all of the eating we can do will never lead to health because what we eat is simply being wasted.

The primary factors that affect our capacity to process and assimilate are:









Let’s look at each of these in a bit more detail.


You may have heard the saying, “Digestion begins in the mouth.” Another favorite of mine is “Your stomach doesn’t have teeth, chew your food.” As we grow up on a predominantly cooked foods diet we lose some of our natural habits of thorough chewing. Cooked foods are soft and mushy and require very little chewing, so we develop a habit of just one or two bites and then swallowing. Unfortunately, this behavior not only leads to poor digestion of foods and limits the assimilation of foods leading to indigestion, acid reflux, fermentation, and upset stomach, but it also leads to the slow destruction of our teeth. Chewing thoroughly strengthens the teeth, and the opposite minimal chewing means less blood flow and thereby fewer nutrients brought to the teeth for the teeth to be rebuilt and strengthened. Over time this lack very slowly breaks down teeth from the inside out.

When we eat we should be chewing food until it reaches a liquid state. If we swallow before this we are making it much more difficult for our digestive tract to break down foods and we will find that we are not getting as much out of our foods as we should be. The side effects of this are bloating, gas, fermentation, and overeating because we aren’t giving time for the full signal to register, and in more extreme cases excessive weight loss can result from the foods simply passing through our system without being utilized.


In modern times it is common to eat on the run, while working at our desk, or to snack in front of the television. In all these instances we are often not focusing on the slow and deliberate eating of our foods but are instead wolfing foods down, eating quickly, chewing very little, swallowing before foods are properly chewed, and as a result overeating because we eat faster than our full sensor can communicate back to us.

As we transition back to the natural diet it’s important to recenter our focus on setting time aside to eat in a relaxed fashion where we focus just on the meal and our eating habits. Slowing down can make a big difference in how much of our food we assimilate. When we focus on what we are eating we eat less, we chew more and we digest better because we are relaxed. When we eat on the run we end up doing the exact opposite of all of that.


Foods require various enzymes to digest. Digestive enzymes are proteins that your body makes to break down food and aid digestion. There are different enzymes for starches versus proteins and different enzymes to break down fat versus enzymes for carbohydrates.

These enzymes are meant to be used one at a time to digest just one type of food, as a result, many of these enzymes cancel each other out when two different types of foods are ingested. When this happens, neither food is properly digested.

If we put a carbohydrate and fat in the stomach at the same time the digestive enzymes work against each other and instead of digesting and assimilating the foods, both foods remain undigested and begin to ferment or putrefy inside our digestive tract leading to gas and bloating.

When this occurs the body is unable to utilize the nutrients in the food and instead the wasted food is rushed out of the body to avoid fermentation or putrefaction from releasing too much alcohol or ammonia into our system.

If we regularly combine foods in a way that is contradictory then this can lead to excessive weight loss as the body is not utilizing nutrition. On the opposite end, if we are having a lot of food fermenting in our system the excess alcohol or ammonia can also result in weight gain.

The biggest indicator of proper digestion is that we are not getting any bloating or discomfort after a meal.


Waiting at least 15 minutes after drinking to start eating allows the water to exit the stomach and not dilute the digestive acids. We also need to avoid drinking water during a meal or too soon after a meal for the same reason.

If we dilute our stomach acids then we can end up with fermentation, gas, and bloating or we can also experience acid reflux or indigestion.

The best way to manage drinking water is to drink early in the day before your first meal. Then drink prior to each meal just before you prepare your meal. Avoid drinking water for at least 1 hour after eating, preferably 2-3 hours.


Eating too often can lead to food mixing in the stomach which can result in the same issues mentioned above regarding food combinations. While transitioning it may be necessary to eat more meals per day to get in enough calories, but we want to make sure that the food from the last meal has had time to move out of the stomach before putting in the current meal.

As we eat more and more raw foods our stomach will naturally stretch to accommodate the bulky water-rich foods, making eating just two or three meals a day much more natural, but in the short term, we may need to eat five or six meals a day to meet our calorie needs.

We can avoid foods running into each other by eating fast-digesting watery fruits early in the day, followed by slower digesting denser fruits next, and then salad greens and then nuts and seed and dehydrated foods late in the day. Or by allowing at least 1 hour for watery fruits, 2-3 hours for dense fruits, and 4-6 hours for everything else.


When we are dealing with excessive thinness on the natural diet it can be our natural inclination to keep trying to stuff in more and more food leading to overeating. Also, we may carry over habits of overeating from our cooked foods diet, looking for that stimulation that we get from the harmful effects of the cooked foods. Other times we overeat when we are stressed out or upset because we have learned this habit as a coping mechanism.

Whatever the reason, overeating overtaxes the stomach and digestive tract to a point where the foods being put in are not being properly utilized and are instead being rushed through without the benefit of assimilation. These are wasted meals, but they are also a waste of our precious nerve energy.

“The overstimulation of the physiological functions, which results from over-eating, weakens and impairs them through overwork. Fasting reverses this and permits them to recuperate. During the rest thus afforded, these organs are enabled to repair their damaged structures and restore their lagging energies, thus they are prepared for renewed function and are given a new lease on life. A fast is to the organs of the body what a night of restful repose is to the tired laborer.

Digestion and assimilation of food are a tax on the vital powers of the organism and increase the work of the stomach, liver, intestines, heart, lungs, kidneys, glands, etc. The more food eaten the more work these already overworked organs are called upon to perform. How can increasing the work of these organs help the sick? If feeding does not prevent sickness how may overfeeding restore health?” – Dr Herbert Shelton

Overeating results in bloating, fatigue, undigested foods in our stool, constant hunger (because nothing we eat is being utilized), indigestion, and many other symptoms. Eating more slowly and deliberately can help to improve digestion and avoid overeating. Eating whole foods and chewing them thoroughly helps to slow us down. Also, focus only on eating when eating, and do not try to multitask. Stop what you are doing, enjoy your meal, eat slowly and deliberately, and then the body will have time to signal you when the stomach reaches capacity.


When we are under stress or emotional strain our digestive system shuts down. One of the ways that I learned to cope with stress in my life was through eating. I think there are a lot of people out there like me, who have used food as a pacifier whenever life didn’t go as planned. Unfortunately, this habit we develop is terrible for our digestion. Try your best to avoid eating when upset. Instead, sip water and try to focus on the problem at hand until it is resolved, then resume eating once the stress has passed. By doing so you will avoid the fatigue and fermentation of sluggish digestion and your mind will be clear and you will be calmer and better able to remedy the stressful situation effectively.


Our body communicates to us when it is in need of a break from food. Nausea, lack of appetite, a burning stomach, or any sort of uncomfortable feelings in the stomach are all signs from the body to skip the next meal. The more we obey these communications the better our health will become.

If we follow these guidelines we can improve digestion and assimilation which leads to greater energy for healing and activity and avoidance of any digestive discomfort. Eating with focus and intention can help to quickly correct any of the bad habits we have learned along the way.

Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? I offer consultations, learn more about them here: https://www.therawkey.com/consultations/

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group? New Groups start on the 1st of every month! https://www.therawkey.com/the-natural-diet-support-group/

Eat fruit and be well my friends.Have you heard people saying they eat a nutrient-dense diet? Often those promoting non-human appropriate foods like grass-fed beef promote this false concept of nutrient density as though the amount of one specific nutrient in a food makes it beneficial and can cancel out all of the detrimental effects of a food. This falls under the more is better fallacy.

For example, the disease industry promotes cooked tomatoes because they are higher in lycopene, but they ignore the fact that cooking the tomato turns the organic minerals into inorganic minerals, making them unusable, that cooking destroys the vitamin C content of the tomatoes and that cooking results in a destruction of the enzymes and many other nutrients. More lycopene does not make the cooked tomato better than the raw tomato, in fact, the cooked tomato is significantly worse for our health.

Another example of this fallacy is when people promote eating animal tissues for iron. Animal tissues contain heme iron, while plants contain non-heme iron.

The claim is the body absorbs more heme iron but this is NOT a benefit, it is an injury to the body. The non-heme iron is usable, but the heme iron is not. Heme iron that comes from animal tissues increases the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. (see Heme vs Non-Heme Iron – https://nutritionfacts.org/…/the-safety-of-heme-vs-non…/ )

Fruits and lettuce greens are full of usable iron in appropriate amounts to meet the body’s needs without overwhelming the body. More is not better, more is often much worse. Just like getting in more calories than we need is detrimental or eating more protein than we need is the leading cause of cancer and chronic disease.

Nutrient density is not a factor that results in health. Nutrient assimilation is. It’s not about how much of any one nutrient we can get, but how much we can use and if the source is free from causing injury to our body. It doesn’t do any good to load up on a substance that is high in a specific nutrient if that substance also contains things that injure the body. For example, spinach is rich in calcium, but it is also full of oxalates. A small amount of spinach, with its small amount of oxalates is easily managed by the oxalobacter bacteria in our digestive tract, but eat a lot of spinach and you will find that your health begins to suffer.

But that is precisely what the nutrient-density promoters are doing. They are eating a substance – red meat – that poisons their body with ammonia laboring under the false idea that it is nutrient-dense and therefore healthy. Please don’t fall for their tricks.


Food constitutes some of the raw materials that become part of the overall nutritive processes that sustain our bodies. When our bodies receive food, it is broken down mechanically and chemically into components that can be absorbed and synthesized by our cells into substances usable by the body. Many people think about foods as having different actions on the body but in fact, food is inert and the body takes all actions upon the food.

To be appropriated for the use of the body, food must be first mechanically crushed, then mixed with digestive enzymes and acids to be chemically broken down into its smallest components. Those components, amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, vitamins, and minerals can then be transported through the walls of the digestive tract, into the bloodstream, and to the cells for use.

“Nutrition is a vital process carried on only by a living organism. It is a process of growth, development and invigoration. To eat good food and enough of it, to drink pure water and breathe pure air, in and of themselves, are very desirable, but something more is needed in order to acquire health, strength and vigor. Nutrition is dependent on function. We can have better nutritive function only when we have a capacity for better nutrition.

Food is of value only in its physiological connections with air, water, sunshine, rest and sleep, exercise or activity, cleanliness and wholesome mental and moral influences—in short, all the natural or normal circumstances which we know to be necessary for the preservation of health.” – Dr Herbert Shelton

Assimilation and utilization are oft overlooked when discussing nutrition. We can eat all ideal foods but if we aren’t able to assimilate or make use of those foods then they simply pass through our bodies wasted.

There are many factors that can affect our body’s ability to assimilate the nutrition we are giving it. Some of those factors are under our direct control, while others are a result of the long-term damage to our digestive tracts and take time for the body to be able to make the necessary repairs, clean out the backed-up waste that is inhibiting the cells from optimal performance and clean out the fat that is blocking nutrients from getting into our cells.

Sometimes this damage requires full physiological rest – water fasting – in order to fully repair. In those cases, fasting for a week or a few weeks can make more of a difference than many years of eating because we are, by resting fully, allowing the repair of the mechanisms that assimilate our foods. If those mechanisms are impaired then all of the eating we can do will never lead to health because what we eat is simply being wasted.

The primary factors that affect our capacity to process and assimilate are:









Let’s look at each of these in a bit more detail.


You may have heard the saying, “Digestion begins in the mouth.” Another favorite of mine is “Your stomach doesn’t have teeth, chew your food.” As we grow up on a predominantly cooked foods diet we lose some of our natural habits of thorough chewing. Cooked foods are soft and mushy and require very little chewing, so we develop a habit of just one or two bites and then swallowing. Unfortunately, this behavior not only leads to poor digestion of foods and limits the assimilation of foods leading to indigestion, acid reflux, fermentation, and upset stomach, but it also leads to the slow destruction of our teeth. Chewing thoroughly strengthens the teeth, and the opposite minimal chewing means less blood flow and thereby fewer nutrients brought to the teeth for the teeth to be rebuilt and strengthened. Over time this lack very slowly breaks down teeth from the inside out.

When we eat we should be chewing food until it reaches a liquid state. If we swallow before this we are making it much more difficult for our digestive tract to break down foods and we will find that we are not getting as much out of our foods as we should be. The side effects of this are bloating, gas, fermentation, and overeating because we aren’t giving time for the full signal to register, and in more extreme cases excessive weight loss can result from the foods simply passing through our system without being utilized.


In modern times it is common to eat on the run, while working at our desk, or to snack in front of the television. In all these instances we are often not focusing on the slow and deliberate eating of our foods but are instead wolfing foods down, eating quickly, chewing very little, swallowing before foods are properly chewed, and as a result overeating because we eat faster than our full sensor can communicate back to us.

As we transition back to the natural diet it’s important to recenter our focus on setting time aside to eat in a relaxed fashion where we focus just on the meal and our eating habits. Slowing down can make a big difference in how much of our food we assimilate. When we focus on what we are eating we eat less, we chew more and we digest better because we are relaxed. When we eat on the run we end up doing the exact opposite of all of that.


Foods require various enzymes to digest. Digestive enzymes are proteins that your body makes to break down food and aid digestion. There are different enzymes for starches versus proteins and different enzymes to break down fat versus enzymes for carbohydrates.

These enzymes are meant to be used one at a time to digest just one type of food, as a result, many of these enzymes cancel each other out when two different types of foods are ingested. When this happens, neither food is properly digested.

If we put a carbohydrate and fat in the stomach at the same time the digestive enzymes work against each other and instead of digesting and assimilating the foods, both foods remain undigested and begin to ferment or putrefy inside our digestive tract leading to gas and bloating.

When this occurs the body is unable to utilize the nutrients in the food and instead the wasted food is rushed out of the body to avoid fermentation or putrefaction from releasing too much alcohol or ammonia into our system.

If we regularly combine foods in a way that is contradictory then this can lead to excessive weight loss as the body is not utilizing nutrition. On the opposite end, if we are having a lot of food fermenting in our system the excess alcohol or ammonia can also result in weight gain.

The biggest indicator of proper digestion is that we are not getting any bloating or discomfort after a meal.


Waiting at least 15 minutes after drinking to start eating allows the water to exit the stomach and not dilute the digestive acids. We also need to avoid drinking water during a meal or too soon after a meal for the same reason.

If we dilute our stomach acids then we can end up with fermentation, gas, and bloating or we can also experience acid reflux or indigestion.

The best way to manage drinking water is to drink early in the day before your first meal. Then drink prior to each meal just before you prepare your meal. Avoid drinking water for at least 1 hour after eating, preferably 2-3 hours.


Eating too often can lead to food mixing in the stomach which can result in the same issues mentioned above regarding food combinations. While transitioning it may be necessary to eat more meals per day to get in enough calories, but we want to make sure that the food from the last meal has had time to move out of the stomach before putting in the current meal.

As we eat more and more raw foods our stomach will naturally stretch to accommodate the bulky water-rich foods, making eating just two or three meals a day much more natural, but in the short term, we may need to eat five or six meals a day to meet our calorie needs.

We can avoid foods running into each other by eating fast-digesting watery fruits early in the day, followed by slower digesting denser fruits next, and then salad greens and then nuts and seed and dehydrated foods late in the day. Or by allowing at least 1 hour for watery fruits, 2-3 hours for dense fruits, and 4-6 hours for everything else.


When we are dealing with excessive thinness on the natural diet it can be our natural inclination to keep trying to stuff in more and more food leading to overeating. Also, we may carry over habits of overeating from our cooked foods diet, looking for that stimulation that we get from the harmful effects of the cooked foods. Other times we overeat when we are stressed out or upset because we have learned this habit as a coping mechanism.

Whatever the reason, overeating overtaxes the stomach and digestive tract to a point where the foods being put in are not being properly utilized and are instead being rushed through without the benefit of assimilation. These are wasted meals, but they are also a waste of our precious nerve energy.

“The overstimulation of the physiological functions, which results from over-eating, weakens and impairs them through overwork. Fasting reverses this and permits them to recuperate. During the rest thus afforded, these organs are enabled to repair their damaged structures and restore their lagging energies, thus they are prepared for renewed function and are given a new lease on life. A fast is to the organs of the body what a night of restful repose is to the tired laborer.

Digestion and assimilation of food are a tax on the vital powers of the organism and increase the work of the stomach, liver, intestines, heart, lungs, kidneys, glands, etc. The more food eaten the more work these already overworked organs are called upon to perform. How can increasing the work of these organs help the sick? If feeding does not prevent sickness how may overfeeding restore health?” – Dr Herbert Shelton

Overeating results in bloating, fatigue, undigested foods in our stool, constant hunger (because nothing we eat is being utilized), indigestion, and many other symptoms. Eating more slowly and deliberately can help to improve digestion and avoid overeating. Eating whole foods and chewing them thoroughly helps to slow us down. Also, focus only on eating when eating, and do not try to multitask. Stop what you are doing, enjoy your meal, eat slowly and deliberately, and then the body will have time to signal you when the stomach reaches capacity.


When we are under stress or emotional strain our digestive system shuts down. One of the ways that I learned to cope with stress in my life was through eating. I think there are a lot of people out there like me, who have used food as a pacifier whenever life didn’t go as planned. Unfortunately, this habit we develop is terrible for our digestion. Try your best to avoid eating when upset. Instead, sip water and try to focus on the problem at hand until it is resolved, then resume eating once the stress has passed. By doing so you will avoid the fatigue and fermentation of sluggish digestion and your mind will be clear and you will be calmer and better able to remedy the stressful situation effectively.


Our body communicates to us when it is in need of a break from food. Nausea, lack of appetite, a burning stomach, or any sort of uncomfortable feelings in the stomach are all signs from the body to skip the next meal. The more we obey these communications the better our health will become.

If we follow these guidelines we can improve digestion and assimilation which leads to greater energy for healing and activity and avoidance of any digestive discomfort. Eating with focus and intention can help to quickly correct any of the bad habits we have learned along the way.

Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? I offer consultations, learn more about them here: https://www.therawkey.com/consultations/

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group? New Groups start on the 1st of every month! https://www.therawkey.com/the-natural-diet-support-group/

Eat fruit and be well my friends.


Nerve energy is a form of electricity measurable in millivolts.  It is the electrical impulse that runs through our nervous system, allowing for the communication of every cell in our system with every other cell in our system.  Nerve energy is central to the cleaning and healing processes of the body and when it runs low our body’s ability to clean up after itself becomes impaired.    

“Demonstrating that nerve energy is electrical is easy. If you mashed your finger, a message would immediately go to the brain and back would come a command to remove the finger from that which applied the pressure. Moreover, the brain would command the entire balance of the body to cooperate in the extraction of the finger from the offending pressure. Only electricity is capable of such speedy transmission. No chemical process or circulatory process is capable of this dispatch. It occurs only through a network of nerves with conductive abilities, and electricity is the only form of energy it can conduct. 

If you take a weak voltage and hook up to it while holding someone else’s hand, the other person gets a shock immediately when you touch the live electrical source. I don’t think anyone can doubt that we do generate electricity, and that is the form of energy we use to conduct our physical and mental activities. Sensations are transformed into electrical stimuli and forwarded to the brain. The brain interprets these and sends out commands based upon the interpretation. Thus, if you put your finger to a hot object, the finger is commanded in a flash to withdraw from it.”  – T.C. Fry, The Life Science Health System


“All diseases have an element of nerve derangement. Indeed, we must have enervation before any disease can develop and enervation may be brought about by anything–any influence–that uses up nerve energy.” – John Tilden, Impaired Health Vol. II

Diseases can be caused by any improper life practices, but generally are caused most by dietary indiscretions.  The primary mechanism that causes disease and root of all illness is reduced nerve energy.  Reduced nerve energy results in reduced ability of the body to eliminate the normal by-products of cell building and cell destruction.  

“In the process of tissue building— metabolism—there is cell building— anabolism—and cell destruction—catabolism. The broken down tissue is toxic and in health—when nerve energy is normal—it is eliminated from the blood as fast as evolved. When nerve energy is dissipated from any cause—physical or mental excitement or bad habits—the body becomes enervated, when enervated, elimination is checked, causing a retention of toxin in the blood or Toxemia. This accumulation of toxin when once established will continue until nerve energy is restored by removing the causes. So-called disease is nature’s effort at eliminating the toxin from the blood. All so-called diseases are crises of Toxemia.”  – John Tilden, Toxemia Explained

Toxemia/toxicosis may arise from many different sources: diet, water pollution, air pollution, injections, drugs, herbs and other poisons.  The toll toxemia takes and the reason we manifest disease symptoms when we are experiencing toxemia is because of insufficient nerve energy to eliminate the cellular wastes.  

“Obviously, to remain free of burdensome accumulations, both physical and chemical in nature, the body must have full use of its eliminative faculties. If these faculties are impaired by lack of nerve energy, if they have been disabled by toxic materials or if ingestion of toxic matters exceeds ability to cope, then elimination is likewise impaired. Accumulations further vitiate the elimination process until the body must undertake an eliminative crisis (disease) to free itself of its morbid load. – T.C.Fry

As nerve energy lags the body falls further and further behind in its elimination of cellular waste and this in turn further impairs the body’s ability to generate nerve energy.  The more nerve energy we squander the less we are able to generate until we crash. 

“…the body is primarily an organism that works on the amount of electricity it generates and which it has in its reserves. If this supply is depleted or otherwise insufficient to cope with the needs of the body, then body functions become impaired, including the processes of elimination of both endogenous metabolic wastes and exogenous poisons introduced into the body. This impairment begets further impairment including diminishing the body’s ability to restore depleted nerve energy.”  – T.C. Fry

This can be clearly evidenced in the individual who consumes coffee.  They quickly become dependent on having coffee every day, often multiple times per day because each cup of coffee makes their body more exhausted then the previous cup.  They begin to rely on the stimulation in a vicious cycle of fatigue and stimulation which drains their nerve energy and impairs the creation of nerve energy.

As we drain our nerve energy we build a backlog of waste that the body falls behind on eliminating.  Eventually the body must force a healing crisis to eliminate this cellular debris and at this point we experience a cold or flu healing event.  

“Due to unnatural practices or influences, humans frequently accumulate toxic substances in their bodies beyond normal capacity for elimination. When the accumulation becomes intolerable within the context of residual vitality, the body will preempt its nerve energy and redirect it to the task of extraordinary elimination or cleansing”  T.C.Fry


The word toxemia means blood poisoning. Toxicosis refers to any disease brought on by poisoning.  In the normal daily processes of life our cells themselves produce toxic byproducts.  In a normal functioning body these toxic substances are rapidly eliminated from the area and the cell’s function is unimpeded.  However, when we squander our nerve energy the body’s ability to eliminate these normal byproducts of cellular metabolism becomes impaired.  The body becomes less able to eliminate, which then impairs the body’s ability to generate nerve energy, which then impairs every other function in the body. 

“Nerve energy is required to digest food; nerve energy is required to keep up secretions and excretions; nerve energy is required to prepare enzymes for digesting our food intake and keeping up a normal resistance to environmental influences as well as those that are autogenerated. 

When this nerve energy is up to the standard, we are poised–or balanced, as it were, with our environments–and we can eat a maximum amount of food, and take care of it. This being true, it should be obvious to those who care to reason that any influence which uses up nerve energy lowers the digestive powers of the body, and that an amount of food which can be utilized when the nerve energy is up to standard must necessarily be too much when the energy is used up in work, play, or sensual indulgence.

It should be obvious to any reasoning mind that a full dinner taken into a tired body cannot be digested properly; that a full meal, or any meal at all, eaten by one in great mental anguish over some great trouble, cannot be digested. And, when food is not digested, it becomes a poison.”  John Tilden, Impaired Health Vol I

“Using nerve-energy in excess of normal production brings on enervation. Few people waste nerve-energy in one way only. Food is a stimulant. Overeating is overstimulating. Add to this excess one or two other stimulants—Coffee or tobacco—excessive venery, overwork and worry, and one subject to that amount of drain of nerve-energy will become decidedly enervated.

Elimination falls far short of requirements; consequently toxin accumulates in the blood. This adds a pronounced auto-toxin stimulation to that coming from overstimulating habits, and completes a vicious circle. This complex stands for a disease-producing Toxemia, which will be permanent except as toxin crises—so-called acute diseases—lower the amount of toxin, again to accumulate and continue until the habits that keep the body enervated are controlled. Perfect health cannot be established until all enervating habits have been eliminated.” – John Tilden, Toxemia Explained

The more nerve energy we waste the less ability our body has to clean out the cellular waste and debris that build leading to disease conditions.   As the body becomes more fatigued the disease conditions build and we move from minor discomfort to major chronic disease. 


Sleep and rest are the only way that we can regenerate nerve energy.  When our sleep is disturbed or we ignore our bodies’ need for more sleep we set off a cycle of degeneration. 

“Enervation can be caused by depletion of nerve energy in any of hundreds of ways. Sleep regenerates nerve energy. Obviously, insufficient sleep will not supply us with our needs. It will not fully recharge our batteries. We need sleep to regenerate nerve energy for the brain and nervous system. Rest and total abstinence from food, liquid and solid, and reforming all enervating habits, will restore nerve-energy; the elimination of toxin through the natural channels will take place, and full health will return.”  – Tilden Toxemia

“Sleep is the condition under which the brain generates nerve energy with which to conduct body activities. The deeper the stage of sleep into which the body enters, the more efficiently can nerve energy be generated. There are five stages of sleep if we include the R.E.M stage, popularly called the dream stage, when there are rapid eye movements. Other stages are named after the brain wave frequency. The threshold stage of sleep is the alpha stage and the deepest stage is delta wave sleep. As nerve energy is the spark of vitality for vigorous activity and high level function generally, adequate sleep is very essential to well-being.”  – T.C. Fry

Closing our eyes and resting on the couch for a few minutes periodically throughout the day can also help to regenerate our nerve energy and allow the body to clean out and improve its efficiency.

“While sleep regenerates a fund of nerve energy, rest enables the body to restock physical stores as well as to “clean house.”” TC. Fry

Sleep is controlled naturally, your body will only sleep when sleep is required.  If you are tired and you force yourself to stay awake and push through you are only impairing your body’s ability to clean and heal.  When your body tells you it needs rest, obey it and it will pay you back in health and comfort.   Disobey and pain and suffering will be the end result. 

“We become sleepy when sleep is needed. If we don’t fight it off by taking pep pills or coffee, we naturally drop off into a state of unconsciousness when our bodies need sleep. And we will remain in this state until our nerve energy is sufficiently recovered— unless our sleep is prematurely put to an end by a jangling alarm clock or other disturbing influence. It is impossible to sleep if we do not need sleep. Sleep cannot be “stored up” for future use. – T.C. Fry

It can be tempting to just push through and use those stimulants to make it through our day, but by doing so we are selling ourselves short.   The rest we take today will pay us back in abundant energy.  The stimulant we take today will pay us back in erratic, nervous energy that makes us less efficient and less effective and will cost our energy for the rest of the day and the rest of the week.   


Sadly there are a great many ways in which we are wasting our nerve energy each day.  When we look at the list we must marvel at how well our body maintains some semblance of normal functioning with all of the mistakes in living that we throw at it each day.  Here is a list of just some of the ways that we squander our nerve energy:

  • Cold and heat – “Extremes of temperature require the expenditure of nerve energy to adjust to changes” – TC Fry   “If a person spends all his nerve energy in keeping warm, he has none left for taking care of food. All other influences work the same way. Anything that reduces the nerve energy lowers the digestive function. When any part of the nerve energy is used up in keeping warm, there is just that much less for digesting and assimilating food.” – John Tilden   “Deliberate cooling or heating of the body is exhausting of nerve energy and lowers the body’s functional abilities.”  -TC Fry
  • Seeking pleasure excessively  – “this condition may be brought on by exhausting the nerve energy in seeking pleasure–wearing out the nervous system enjoying, so to speak. Instead of taking a moderate amount of pleasure in going to the theater or picture shows, dancing, etc., the nerve energy is worn out taking these pleasures in excess.” John Tilden, Impaired Health Vol II
  • Excessive eating
  • Imprudent eating – “In processing food for use, we expend two kinds of energy. We expend metabolic energy, which is the chemical and mechanical energies expended, and we expend nerve energy. For instance, we use very little nerve energy in digesting watermelon. But, in processing foods to which we are not biologically adapted, an enormous expenditure of nerve energy is occasioned. Meats may cause nervous exhaustion due to the body’s frenzied activities in dealing with proteins, uric acids and other toxic substances in them. Though we may feel exhilarated while expending nervous energy just as we feel “a pickme- up” when taking coffee (which really drains nerve energy), the stimulation occasioned by eating unsuitable foods such as meat is an indication of the inefficiency with which the body handles it.” T.C. Fry
  • Eating wrong combinations
  • Fermentation
  • Consuming stimulants – Coffee, tea, chocolate and drugs all drain the body of nerve energy
  • Eating foods that are artificially prepared
  • Eating cooked and processed foods 
  • Eating excess proteins – “neutralization and elimination of the toxins of protein degeneration (putrefaction) uses up vast amounts of nerve energy which, though stimulating at the time, exhausts and debilitates the body.” T.C.Fry
  • Eating starches instead of fruits – “A larger amount of the body’s limited supply of nerve energy is used up when starches are used for fuel than when fruits are used because starches are, as you know, polysaccharides and must be broken down (digested) into monosaccharides before the body can use them. Fruits contain a preponderance of monosaccharides, which, as you also know, need no digestion at all. Therefore, fruit eating leaves more of the body’s energies available for other activities. This explains, in part, why people feel so “light” when they eat fruits and so heavy when they eat beans or bread.”T.C.Fry
  • Overwork 
  • Worry and fear 
  • Excessive emotions and outbursts
  • Arguments with loved ones
  • Stress 
  • Lack of discipline 
  • The use of stimulants of all kinds 
  • Carelessness in looking after the functions of the body
  • Any influences that will produce overstimulation, intoxication, enervation, or imperfect elimination
  • Overstimulation – Social media, television, even reading a book can be a source of nerve energy drain if done to excess, or to upset.

As you can see there is a wide range of ways that we can drain our nerve energy.  Some of these are behaviors that are required, like eating or enjoying ourselves, but when taken to a place of excess, like gluttony or lust, they become a negative habit, while in moderation they provide health.  Other habits are purely nerve energy depleting, such as consuming stimulants or watching negative television news or scary movies.  These are ways in which we trap ourselves in draining experiences.   Relationships can also be another form of energy drain, fighting with a spouse or child instead of having a calm and reasonable discussion can run us down leading to impaired function of our body.   Some of these things can be avoided while others we have little control over.  But the more aware we are of the various drains on our energy, the more we can adapt our lifestyle to meet the needs of our body through the healing process. 

“Intoxication occurs when we overload the body with toxic materials from the outside, or we fail to observe our capacities, and overwork, get insufficient sleep, or are subjected to great stress, or when any number of other factors deplete the body of nerve energy or prevent its sufficient regeneration. For instance, stresses, emotional shocks, or traumatic experiences can drain our bodies of nerve energy very quickly.” – T. C. Fry

The more we take charge of our life experiences the better we can mitigate the drain on our nerve energy.   


“Insufficient nerve energy arises from dissipation, stress, overindulgence, excess or deficiency of the normal essentials of life, or pollution of the body with substances not normal to it. Accordingly,recovery from sickness can be achieved only by discontinuing its causes and supplying conditions favorable to healing.” T.C. Fry

“Find out in what way nerve-energy is wasted, and stop it—stop all nerve-leaks,” etc. I am appalled at my stupidity in saying to a patient to stop enervating himself, and allowing the matter to end by naming one or two gross enervating habits; for example: Stop worry; stop smoking;  stop stimulants; control your temper; stop eating too rapidly; stop allowing yourself to become excited. Stopping one enervating habit benefits; but dependable health brooks no enervating habits at all.” John Tilden, Toxemia Explained

As with all things health the answer is fairly simple but the implementation becomes more complicated.   The goal is to eliminate as much of the stimulation that is draining away our energy to make room for enjoyable activity that we can partake in because of our abundant energy.   The largest drain to our energy every day is digestion.   If you eat far removed from your natural foods the body will struggle in digestion and eat up nerve energy.   Correct the diet and a large improvement will occur.   

Next we must look at our sleep and rest habits.  Improve upon the quality of your sleep by getting to bed earlier and minimizing disruptions to your sleep.   Incorporate a nap into your routine, particularly after a meal or if you cannot nap at least close your eyes and sit quietly for a period.   

Do you want to learn more about how our self-healing and self-cleaning body remedies disease conditions and returns to a state of health when the conditions of health are supplied? Start by reading “Why do we get sick?

Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? I offer consultations, learn more about them here: Consultations

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group: New Groups start on the 1st of every month! Support Group Information and Sign Up Form

Eat fruit and be well my friends.

Reader Q&A

Reflexology – Does it help or Hinder Healing?


What is the Natural Hygiene or Terrain Model position on Reflexology?


Reflexology would be considered to be minimally harmful, but it is based on the idea of cures for disease. Cures cannot exist. Only removal of cause corrects disease conditions. So ultimately, these types of programs, reflexology, massage therapy, acupressure, acupuncture, etc all work at symptom suppression rather than removing the underlying cause of the disease. They may offer temporary relief but they will not create health because they do not provide for the requirements of health.

To explain further, here are TC Fry’s comments on Reflexology:

Reflexology (Zone Therapy)

Reflexology is a specialized form of massage and, among the many claims, it is said to be able to restore normalcy of function and give relief from pain to virtually any part of the body. The two basic modes of this therapy are foot reflexology and hand reflexology.

According to reflexology therapists, organs or parts on the right side of the body have their reflex areas on the right foot or hand. Organs on the left side of the body have their reflex areas on the left, foot and hand. Organs extending past the middle or center of the body will have reflex areas on both feet and hands. Where there are two like organs or parts (kidneys, ovaries, etc.), each has a reflex area on its corresponding foot and hand. The lower half of the body has its reflex areas on the lower half of the, foot, and the upper half of the body has its reflex areas on the upper half of the foot. The waistline is located approximately halfway between the base of the toes and the lower part of the heel.

It is said that reflexology stimulates the internal organs and increases circulation. It is based on the theory that if the body is in a healthy condition, with no congestion in it, no tender areas should be found on the feet. The tenderness, they say, is caused by crystalline deposits that form at the nerve endings in the feet. The purpose in doing compression foot massage is to break up these deposits (or crush them) so that they may become solvent and be carried away with the rest of the waste material in the body. Once these deposits are dissolved, the congestion is relieved, and the circulation to the body is improved.

This theory sounds reasonable, but like other therapies, it is based on symptomatic relief. It does not restore health because it does not remove the underlying cause of ill health. There can not be any “cures” through this method or any other if the causes of disease are left in force. Calcium deposits that may be deposited in the feet are the result of incorrect living habits. Simply removing these deposits does not create health.

What is Fatigue?

Fatigue and the Healing Processes

Fatigue is how we heal.

This is one of the hardest concepts that so many people struggle against.

Healing occurs when we are fasting and our legs get so weak that we cannot stand.

Healing occurs when the cold or flu makes us feel the lowest of low.

When I healed the mass in my breast I spent 72 hours in agony, with even the lightest of bed sheets touching my skin being excruciating. Bouncing between being freezing and being so hot that I felt like my skin was on fire. For 3 days I thought I was dying but I trusted that my body was intelligent. I also understood that my body has a biological mandate to survive. The body will never injure itself. The body will never create a symptom too dangerous. The body never needs to be rescued from itself. The body never benefits from interventions. The body is never made stronger by applying poisons.

When Happy, one of my Miniature Schnauzer rescues healed from a grapefruit-sized mass on her spleen, vestibular disease, sight, and hearing loss she slept all day for weeks on end and had several seizures during the healing process. Her body was always in control. Always creating symptoms for the benefit of the body.

When Mr Bean healed from seizures he fasted for 5 days and slept 23.75 hours a day, only getting up to pee once per day and drinking water on some days. He slept so soundly that I had to keep checking to make sure he was breathing.

Sleep is easy for the dogs to embrace. When healing begins they go straight to their dens, curl up, and sleep. The cats too. They don’t have any fear of rest like we humans do. They don’t fear their body’s healing processes. They don’t worry about missed meals. They don’t worry about missed activities. They just feel tired so they stop eating and go rest.

We humans though fight against every effort our body makes to heal us.

Rather than go to sleep and heal, we stimulate and fear the rest, further poisoning ourselves. We fear permitting ourselves to rest. We fear the wobbly legs, we try to eat through the nausea even with our bodies screaming at us to stop eating.

We fear heart palpitations as the body eliminates the poisons. We fear the mucus the body uses to wrap up the poisons and expel them and we try to use medicines or herbs to break up the mucus, as though dead materials can take action. Poisons cannot ever take action. They can never improve our condition. They can only poison.

We reach for drugs or herbs to save us from the very life-saving symptoms that the body is creating to heal us.

We fear the fever that heals but take a poison pill to bring the fever down. Many people succumb to the pill, many children die from the drugging of their body during a body creates fever.

We fear the diarrhea created by the body to expel the toxic materials, take anti-diarrheal medications, and drink salt-laden waters because we have been fed the electrolytes lie.

We fear the swelling of the lymph nodes that indicate the body is actively healing and working as designed and have our body’s sewer system surgically dissected for fear of the greatest healing process the body can create.

Every step of the way we battle against our body until our body has no choice but to give up the fight. And it all starts with fatigue.

Fatigue is the first sign of disease at our earliest juncture. It becomes chronic as we ignore it and disease builds. Yet, we continue to ignore it, stimulating it with salt, coffee, meat, or other irritants.

Fatigue is the result of the available energy turning inward to heal. Every time our legs get weak and wobbly or we feel like we cannot move our arms or lift even our water cup this is the tremendous gift of healing. The body has moved all available nerve energy internally and is cleaning and expelling the waste that has been slowly killing us.

But sadly, every step of the way most people will stimulate their way out of this healing with pharmaceutical drugs, herbs, salt, coffee, or a long list of other poisons until the body is left with no choice but to expire under the poisoning we have put ourselves through.

Fatigue is how we heal. Never forget that and health will be in your future.

Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? I offer consultations, learn more about them here: https://www.therawkey.com/consultations/

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group? New Groups start on the 1st of every month! https://www.therawkey.com/the-natural-diet-support-group/

Eat fruit and be well my friends.

Nutritional Robbers - Are you killing yourself slowly with your addictions?

Nutritional Robbers

by T.C. Fry

Every day millions of people ingest various substances that have no food value at all.

Worse yet, these “nonfoods” not only do not supply any needed nutrients, but they also rob the body of vital minerals, vitamins, etc. As a result, eating these nonfoods cheats the body of nutrients and has profound harmful effects on the mind and emotions. Perhaps the most pervasive and insidious nutritional robber is white sugar.


Sugars occur naturally in most of our foods. Fruits especially are high in sugars that supply the body and mind with high-quality fuel. Sugars in their natural forms as they occur in fresh, unprocessed foods are a valuable part of the diet.

Refined white sugar, however, is a chemical menace because it lacks the essential minerals and B-vitamins for its metabolism. As a result, the body surrenders its own minerals and B-vitamins for use in metabolizing refined sugar.

The sugar-caused depletion of vitamins and minerals from the body upsets the body’s nutritional balance and predisposes the individual to mental and emotional illnesses that have their roots in nutrient deficiencies.

White sugar causes emotional outbreaks, especially in children and adolescents. Interestingly enough, it was discovered that the juvenile offender in Chicago on the average consumed over three times more white sugar in his diet than did the nonoffender.

Schools that have removed their carbonated drink and candy machines have discovered that vandalism and absenteeism also decrease.

Long-term sugar consumption, as indulged by the majority of the American population, leads to chronic blood-sugar level problems that may manifest as diabetes or hypoglycemia.

People with such blood-sugar problems are prone to periods of depression, irritability and nervous attacks. Many times they actually experience “nervous shakes” as their blood-sugar level slides and rises.

An abnormal plunge in blood-sugar levels is insidious—it sends shock waves through every cell in the body and affects the brain and nervous system most of all. An erratic mental state results, and some of the accompanying symptoms are: headaches, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, restlessness, crying spells, nervous breakdowns, excessive worry, inability to concentrate, depression, forgetfulness, suicidal thoughts, illogical fears, allergies and so on.


Besides sugar, some other nutritional robbers are the cigarette, the cup of coffee and the martini.

Nicotine, as obtained from smoking tobacco, adds to metabolic dysfunctioning. It impairs the absorption of vitamin C and interferes with the blood circulation. By constricting the blood vessels, nicotine robs the brain of its essential nutrients, particularly blood glucose, its major fuel. In fact, not only does nicotine inhibit vitamin C absorption, but it actually destroys some or all of the vitamin C already in the blood. One of the mental effects of vitamin C depletion is increased irritability. Smokers tend to be quick to irritate and often exhibit emotional outbursts.

The drug, caffeine, found in coffee, tea, cola drinks and chocolate, causes nervous disturbances, including anxiety. One to three cups of coffee contain enough caffeine to cause anxiety and other emotional disturbances. Caffeine also stimulates insulin secretion, thereby disturbing the blood-sugar level in the body.

Alcohol, too, disturbs the blood-sugar level. In fact, low blood sugar occurs in 70-90% of all alcoholics. As a result of studies, it was also discovered that most alcoholics suffer from a niacin (vitamin B3) deficiency that leads to periods of depression and feelings of lack of self-worth. Such emotional states may then lead to more alcohol drinking in an effort to escape these feelings.

All of the above-mentioned nutritional robbers tend to be self-perpetuating; that is, they create the very conditions that often make the user of these items return to them.

Caffeine withdrawal symptoms, for example, can be halted by drinking another cup of coffee. The irritability caused by smoking is soothed by another cigarette. The “shakes” caused by a period of sobriety can be removed by another slug of whiskey. The crashing blood-sugar level created by sugar intake can be temporarily raised by a candy bar or other sugary “food.” In short, all of these nonfood items are actually addictive drugs just as opium and heroin are. If we are truly concerned about the “drug problem” in America, it would be best if we set our own house in order first. This would remove the cause of many of 6ur mental and emotional problems that result from faulty nutrition.


Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? I offer consultations, learn more about them here: https://www.therawkey.com/consultations/

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group? New Groups start on the 1st of every month! https://www.therawkey.com/the-natural-diet-support-group/

Eat fruit and be well my friends.



What medicine calls “infection” is the most common healing process that the body initiates.

All bacteria in the body are created by the body for the benefit of the body and are used for cellular repair, nutrient transportation, and waste removal. These bacteria are always present in all healthy bodies but their population increases after the body has been injured or poisoned and decreases once the toxic material has been eliminated.

The body brings bacteria into an area to break down the waste and damaged tissue for removal.

The body brings in water to flush the waste out creating swelling. This is called inflammation. (Often a separate medical label ending in “itis” is used to describe the inflammation healing process – rhinitis, nephritis, meningitis, arthritis.)

The body brings additional blood flow to the area to provide repair materials causing the redness and heat. The activity of the bacteria breaking down the waste also generates heat.

All of this is the self-healing body doing what it needs to do to heal. Medicine deems all of these actions taken by the body to heal itself as dangerous and claims they need to apply poison to stop them. In the science of natural hygiene, which is what we follow to heal our ourselves, and our companion animals, we deem the healing processes created by the body as helpful rather than harmful. Rather than trying to force these healing processes to stop we aim to support the healing process and remove the cause of disease that led to the creation of the healing symptoms. When you remove the cause, disease conditions disappear.

When the body creates the healing process called “infection” by the disease industry, the only thing we need to do, or can do to assist the body in this process is not poison the body with treatments that impair these processes and most importantly not feed. Fasting allows the body to focus all available energy on the cleaning and repair process to heal quickly. Feeding slows the healing considerably and extends the amount of time the body ends up in pain or discomfort. This is because digestion is the largest energy drain on the body. As long as the digestive processes are working the energy available to heal is diverted and healing must proceed more slowly.

Medicine has never cured a single disease because the foundation of everything they do is based upon a false concept and false understanding of the role of bacteria in the body. For example, MRSA infection is a common issue for patients in hospitals. It is said to be antibiotic-resistant and cause major damage to the body. However, we now know that every human has a population of MRSA in their body at all times. All healthy bodies carry around all forms of bacteria that medicine blames for disease. If the bacteria is present in a healthy body and not causing symptoms then it cannot be a cause of disease in an unhealthy body.

Medicine is founded on the incorrect narrative of germs attacking the body which allows them to sell us poisons (antibiotics, antibacterials) to kill those germs. The only way to justify the sale of these poisons is if the public believes that the germs always present in the healthy body, created by the body and controlled by the body, are the cause of disease and that they require poisons to kill those germs. As a result of this narrative, allopathic medicine has created what they call “superbugs” or antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. In reality, the body that is not killed by the application of poison is simply more injured and creates more and stronger bacteria to help itself heal.

The person who takes an antibiotic frequently finds that their symptoms return a short time later. The disease business narrative says they have developed antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Following their flawed logic, the disease industry then sells their customer a stronger poison to kill the germs created by the body to heal both the initial injury and the secondary injury created by the first round of poisons. The body will temporarily stop the cleaning process to deal with the incoming poison. However, this is the healing process the body uses to remedy disease conditions, so necessarily, the body will try to create the symptoms again a few days, weeks, or months later. Eventually, the body either runs out of energy to clean and heal temporarily pausing the healing symptoms at which point medicine then claims the drugs worked. Or the body shifts its elimination pathways and creates a different type of expulsion symptom to try to heal, shifts to internally storing the poison or waste material in tumors leading to cancer, or the person or animal dies from the repeated poisoning.

We see this most commonly in dogs with “allergies” or ear “infections”. The body tries to eliminate the waste through the skin or the ears and the owner rushes to the Vet where poison is applied to the ears or skin. The symptom stops temporarily while the body deals with the poison, then the body rests and recovers its energy, and the cleaning symptom returns. And again the owner runs to the vet to stop the cleaning, applying more poisons. This process repeats year after year until the dog or cat gets diagnosed with cancer or organ failure from the repeated poisoning and repeated stopping of the body’s healing processes.

The body never benefits from the application of poisons. You cannot poison a poisoned body back to health. But this is exactly what medicine attempts whenever the body starts the healing processes they call infection and inflammation. Since medicine always works against the body’s ability to heal itself AND it never seeks to remove the cause of the initial injury (cooked, foods, processed foods, meat, dairy, eggs, salt, spices, alcohol, coffee, tea, etc that poison us) the body is just continuously pushed into higher levels of disease.

The “deadly systemic infection” sold to you by the disease for-profit industry is the body-initiated cure for the disease conditions present in the body. This process is never dangerous because it is the cure for disease conditions. The body healing itself can never harm the body. However, if one were to apply poisons to the body when the body is in a vulnerable condition trying to clean out the prior poisons this drugging can result in severe injury, brain damage, or death. It is the drugging itself that causes the injury though, not the body’s healing processes.

The body’s healing processes never cause damage to the heart, liver, kidneys, or other organs. The body has a mandate to survive and will never create any conditions as part of the healing process that are dangerous to the body. However, if we keep putting in the cause and keep stopping the body from cleaning out the waste eventually chronic disease is the result. It is the ever-growing backlog of waste in the body that causes injury to the organs, not the body’s attempts to remove the waste and recover.

Frequently the appeal of following the drugging route to stop the healing process is based on the idea that the person or animal is suffering due to the healing process. After all, no one likes a cold or a flu-healing event. It’s certainly not fun and most humans are happy to swallow whatever any salesperson tells them will stop the cleaning as quickly as possible. So it is natural that we would want to try anything to stop the infection and inflammation and put an end to the short-term pain. In reality, drugging the body and causing more damage to the body’s tissues by suppressing healing processes always increases the suffering of the animal.

They started out with waste from one problem and by applying the various remedies we so exhaust the body that the symptoms of healing that the body created with the infection are temporarily impaired and stop for a short period of time. Drugging makes us feel better in the short term but it’s not better for the animal (or the human) because it causes long-term suffering from chronic disease and degeneration of the body.

The pain of healing on the other hand is short-lived, especially if we are willing to listen to the body and work with the body. First, we must cease the input of unnatural foods so the body can focus fully on healing quickly. and then we correct the diet so the body is not battling a chronic state of disease. The short-term gain of temporarily stopping the healing symptom the body is creating does not lead to long-term health outcomes. However, the short-term pain of allowing the healing process to complete and removing the cause of disease does lead to long-term health.

You can read more about the lie of infection and the science of how the body heals in this Lesson – https://www.facebook.com/groups/germtheory.vs.terraintheory/permalink/4670963286313976

I also recommend reading this series on what disease is and how it is created – https://www.therawkey.com/the-nature-and-purpose-of-disease/

Or you can watch this presentation on the 7 stages of disease which explains what disease is, why it is created, and how it is reversed. https://youtu.be/w4PBOuXiqPA?si=5Z2Z6X4hILsF8LzK


Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? I offer consultations, learn more about them here: https://www.therawkey.com/consultations/

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Natural Human Diet Support and Education Group? New Groups start on the 1st of every month! https://www.therawkey.com/the-natural-diet-support-group/

Eat fruit and be well my friends.

Reader Q&A

Does sugar ‘feed’ cancer?

The claim that sugar feeds cancer is a misunderstanding of how the cells function. Every cell in the body runs on sugar for energy.  Dietary sugar or glucose stored in our fat cells is converted inside the cell into ATP, which is cell energy.  If you try to starve the cancer cells of sugar you starve all the cells in the body not just the cancerous cells.   

A cancer cell uses more fuel because it is a cell that is under distress. If you think about how exhausted you feel after enduring a stressful situation you can understand how much energy you burn when operating under stress versus when you’re calm.   The cancerous cell is a cell under severe stress from the conditions of disease present in the body.  Since the cancer cell is under severe stress the cancer cell is burning through more sugar than the other cells in that area of the body due to the stress it is operating under. 

The sugar feeds cancer narrative was created because there was a study that measured the amount of sugar being burned in these cancerous cells and compared it to healthy cells.  The conclusion that they drew was that the sugar was feeding the cancer cell because they were starting from the false assumption that a cancer cell is something that attacks the body from without, rather than being a process of the body.   In reality, a cancer cell is a healthy cell in distress and because of the distress, the cell is utilizing more energy than the other cells that are not in distress.  

So as a result of this, the myth of sugar-feeding cancer came about. This myth is founded upon the germ theory narrative that cancer is an outside invading entity that is attacking the body. In the medical narrative, cancer is a mystery, we are just unlucky when we fall upon it, they don’t understand that it has known causes and in many cases, cancer is labeled a virus that is said to attack the body, often lying dormant for years before doing so. 

The medical theory is this cancer virus is attacking the body. The person has acquired this virus by mysterious means, not by their own mistakes in living, not by their dietary indiscretions but by pure accident. Since this is a separate entity attacking the body it is said to be stealing sugar from the other cells. None of this narrative is in alignment with what the science of cellular biology shows us, but this is the medical narrative.   

A cancer cell is a cell that is drowning in a backlog of waste and as a result of this, the normal healthy cell converts itself into a bacterial cell, a more simple life form to survive the harsh conditions that are being provided.   A cancer cell is different from a tumor.  A tumor is a pocket of damaged cells, cellular waste, toxins, and debris that the body has walled off and creates a pocket of scar tissue around to separate the toxic material from the surrounding healthy cells.   A tumor is an induration, stage 6 of disease.

The cells inside the tumor are often cancerous, which means that rather than acting in concert with the other cells in the body they are instead acting for their own survival.  This is why the medical industry says these cells have “gone rogue”.   In the medical narrative the “rogue” cell is attacking the body and the cancer expands because the rogue cells are multiplying out of control.   

In biological reality, the cell is trapped in a very toxic environment and is no longer working to complete its normal functions and instead is just working to survive.   The toxicity of the environment turns off the normal self-destruct program that a damaged cell would activate to recycle itself. The cell keeps itself alive burning up sugar, but incapable of performing its other duties or recycling itself.  As the backlog of waste grows the area of injured cells continues to expand.  The causes of disease are not addressed and corrected, the patient’s diet is not corrected, and the medical industry adds additional poisons to the body during this time leading to an ever-expanding waste backlog.  The medical narrative then says that the cancer is spreading.   In biological reality, the waste material damaging the normal healthy cells is spreading, creating additional unhealthy, damaged cells.      

In regards to your question, “is it possible and true that the dead cells, existing in a tumor at the last stage, are thriving on sugar and its fermentation? If the body is choosing to convert only some sugar to energy from fruit and lets the rest to ferment.”    The body does not choose to allow fermentation.  Fermentation is a process of the fruit itself.  When digestion is impaired, either due to overeating, poor food combining, ingestion of inappropriate substances, illness, fatigue, or emotional distress then the body is unable to work on the fruit fast enough to break it down before the fruit’s natural fermentation recycle process begins.   Fermentation is a process that creates alcohol.  When we ferment food in our digestive tract we are subjected to that alcohol as a by-product and we are poisoned by that alcohol.  When humans consume animal tissues and secretions these materials putrefy instead of fermenting and their byproduct of putrefaction is ammonia, a much stronger poison.    As these poisons are introduced to the body they increase the disease load on the body.   Since most people who have Cancer have not corrected the damaging dietary habits that led to the cancer in the first place their digestion is damaged and operates poorly resulting in more fermentation and putrefaction, which continuously poisons the body.   

Fermentation is not feeding the cancer cells but is expanding the horizon of waste, which creates cancer cells by turning normal healthy cells into diseased cells that are struggling to survive in the dirty environment that has been provided.    

For cancer cases, it is typically advised for the person to first transition back to their natural diet before attempting any fasting.   This is especially true if the person is showing signs of muscle wasting.   Since digestion has been so badly impaired it is difficult for many cancer cases to maintain weight and regain weight, so fasting may result in difficulty in recovering that weight. By giving the body some time on the natural diet to slowly repair digestion some they are often able to retain weight easier when fasting later.    The body is also severely dehydrated, so a period of fruits and salads is advisable before the first fast to allow the body to rehydrate some.    

In most cases, it would be best to feed a cancer patient the same way we would feed a healthy human, with a balance of sweet, acid, and sub-acid fruits along with an abundance of greens.  However, if the person is fermenting sugary fruits, resulting in gas, bloating, or burping then we would want to eliminate those foods and focus more heavily on salads until the digestion improves, at which point the more sugar-rich foods could be incorporated again.   

As Warburg stated, cancer can only exist in a high-acidity environment.    Therefore, an abundance of leafy greens is key to healing cancer because those greens are mineral-rich providing an abundance of alkaline minerals to neutralize the acids.  But balance is always the path to health.   If we wish to return the body to health we must provide the same conditions that keep an already healthy body in a state of health. 

Aside from the diet, water intake is of paramount importance, the solution to pollution is dilution.   Fresh air, sunshine, plenty of rest, and moderate exercise when energy is present are also important, but prioritizing rest is much more important in the early stages of healing.

– L. W.

The History of the Pharma Cartel

Below is a short history of how the medical system we have today was created and who created it. If you want to learn more, I have also attached a copy of the book Rockefeller Medicine Men which goes into greater details. Happy Reading!

To get a free PDF copy of Rockefeller Medicine Men click here!


1911, May 15

The Supreme Court of the U.S. finds John Rockefeller and his Trust guilty of corruption, illegal business practices and racketeering. As a result of this decision, the entire Rockefeller Standard Oil-Trust, the world’s largest corporation of its time, was sentenced to be dismantled. But Rockefeller was already above the Supreme Court and did not care about this decision.


In order to disperse public and political pressure on him and other robber-barons, Rockefeller uses a trick called “philanthropy”, whereby the illegal gains from his robber-practices in the oil business are used to launch the Rockefeller Foundation. This tax haven was used to strategically take over the health care sector in the U.S..

The Rockefeller Foundation was the front organization for a new global business venture of Rockefeller and his accomplices. This new venture was called the pharmaceutical investment business. Donations from the Rockefeller Foundation went only to medical schools and hospitals. These institutions had become missionaries of a new breed of companies: the manufacturers of patented, synthetic drugs.

This was also the time when the first vitamins were discovered. It soon became clear however that these natural molecules had live-saving health benefits and that they were able to prevent many chronic health conditions. The first books appeared with research, subsequently abandoned, about the health benefits of vitamins. These newly discovered molecules had only one disadvantage: they were non-patentable.

Thus, in its first years of existence, the pharmaceutical investment business already faced a mortal threat: vitamins and other micronutrients promoted as public health programs would prohibit the development of any sizable investment business based on patented drugs. The elimination of this unwanted competition from natural micronutrients therefore became a question of life and death for the pharmaceutical business.


The Rockefeller Foundation uses the Spanish flu epidemic – and the media (that it already controlled by this time) – to start a witch-hunt on all forms of medicine that were not covered by its patents.

Within the next 15 years, all medical schools in the U.S., most hospitals and the American Medical Association all essentially became pawns on the chessboard of Rockefeller’s strategy to subjugate the entire health care sector under the monopoly of his pharmaceutical investment business.

Disguised as a “Mother Theresa”, the Rockefeller Foundation was also used to conquer foreign countries and entire continents for the pharmaceutical investment business – just as Rockefeller himself had done a few decades previously with his petrochemical investment business.


On the other side of the Atlantic, in Germany, the first chemical / pharmaceutical cartel is founded in order to compete with Rockefeller’s quest for control of the global drug market. Lead by the German multinationals Bayer, BASF and Hoechst, the I.G. Farben cartel was founded with a total number of employees surpassing 80,000. The race for global control was on.

1929, November 29

The Rockefeller cartel (U.S.A.) and the I.G. Farben cartel (Germany) decided to divide the entire globe into interest spheres – the very same crime Rockefeller had been sentenced for 18 years earlier, when his trust had divided up the U.S. into “interest zones”.

1932 / 33

The I.G. Farben cartel, equally insatiable, decides no longer to be bound by the 1929 constraints. They support an uprising German politician, who promises I.G. Farben to militarily conquer the world for them. With millions of dollars in election campaign donations, this politician seized power in Germany, turned the German democracy into a dictatorship and kept his promise to launch his conquest war, a war that soon became known as WWII.

In each and every country Hitler’s wehrmacht invaded, the first act was to rob the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries and assign them – free of charge – to the I.G. Farben empire.

1942 – 45

In order to cement its global leadership with patented drugs, the I.G. Farben cartel tests its patented pharmaceutical substances on concentration camp inmates in Auschwitz, Dachau and many other sites. The fees for conducting these inhumane studies were transferred directly from the bank accounts of Bayer, Hoechst and BASF to the bank accounts of the SS, who operated the concentration camps.


I.G. Farben’s plan to take control of the global oil and drug markets has failed. The U.S. and the other allied forces won WWII. Nevertheless, many U.S. and allied soldiers had lost their lives during the conflict, and the allies’ reward was little compared to the rewards of others. The corporate shares of the losers, I.G. Farben, went to the Rockefeller trust (U.S.A.) and Rothschild / J.P. Morgan (U.K.).


In the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal, 24 managers from Bayer, BASF, Hoechst and other executives of the I.G. Farben cartel were tried for crimes against humanity. These crimes included: leading wars of aggression, instituting slavery and committing mass murder. In his final pleading, U.S.-Chief Prosecutor Telford Taylor summarized the crimes committed by these corporate criminals with the following words: “Without I.G. Farben, the second World War would not have been possible”.

Amazingly, the real culprits for the death of 60 Million people in World War II – the I.G. Farben executives – received the mildest verdicts. Even those executives directly responsible for the crimes in I.G. Auschwitz only received a maximum of twelve years in jail. Surprised? You shouldn’t be.

By 1944 Nelson Rockefeller had already entered the executive branch of the U.S. government. He started off as Under-Secretary of State and ended up a few years later as Special Adviser of President Truman for Special Affairs. In other words, at critical junctures of the 20th century, the Rockefeller interests took direct charge. They decided the post war shape of the world and the distribution of its wealth.

As such, under the influence of the U.S. State Department, the verdicts in Nuremberg against the I.G. Farben managers can easily be explained. In return for taking over the corporate shares of I.G. Farben, and thereby global control of the oil and drug business, Nelson Rockefeller made sure that the real culprits of World War II were not hanged. In fact, and as we shall see, they were needed.


The Federal Republic of Germany was founded. This was the first time in history that the constitution and society of an industrialized nation could be planned and modeled as a fortress of the pharmaceutical investment business – a transatlantic outpost of the Rockefeller interests.

Within only a few years, the I.G. Farben managers sentenced in Nuremberg were released from jail and put back into their previous positions as stakeholders of the Rockefeller interests. Fritz Ter Meer, for example, sentenced to twelve years in jail for his crimes in Auschwitz, was back as chairman of the board of Germany’s largest pharmaceutical multinational, Bayer, by 1963!

1945 – 49

The role of the Rockefeller brothers was not limited to their taking over the global monopolies of the oil and drug businesses. They also needed to create the political framework for these businesses to thrive. Under their influence, therefore, the United Nations was founded in 1945, in San Francisco. To seize political control of the post war world, three countries – leading drug export nations – had all the say, and 200 other nations were rendered mere spectators.

Founded as organizations to allegedly serve the wellbeing of the people of the world, the UN’s subsidiary organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Trade Organization (WTO), soon turned out to be nothing more than the political arms of the global oil and drug interests.


On behalf of the Rockefeller interests, the government of the pharmaceutical banana republic Germany spearheaded one of the most infamous efforts ever made within the United Nations. Under the pretense of consumer protection, it launched a four-decade-long crusade to outlaw vitamin therapies and other natural, non-patentable health approaches in all member countries of the United Nations. The goal was to simply ban any and all competition for the multi-billion dollar business with patented drugs. The plan was simple: copy for the entire world what had already been accomplished in America in the 1920s – a monopoly on health care for the investment business with patented drugs.

Since the marketplace for the pharmaceutical investment business depends upon the continued existence of diseases, the drugs it developed were not intended to prevent, cure or eradicate disease. Thus, the goal of the global strategy was to monopolize health for billions of people, with pills that nearly cover symptoms but hardly ever address the root cause of disease. The deprivation of billions of people from having access to life saving information about the health benefits of natural health approaches, whilst at the same time establishing a monopoly with largely ineffective and frequently toxic patented drugs, caused disease and death in genocidal proportions.

This epidemic of unnecessary disability and death by the pharmaceutical business with disease is unparalleled in history.

To get a free PDF copy of Rockefeller Medicine Men click here!