What medicine calls “infection” is the most common healing process that the body initiates.

All bacteria in the body are created by the body for the benefit of the body and are used for cellular repair, nutrient transportation, and waste removal. These bacteria are always present in all healthy bodies but their population increases after the body has been injured or poisoned and decreases once the toxic material has been eliminated.

The body brings bacteria into an area to break down the waste and damaged tissue for removal.

The body brings in water to flush the waste out creating swelling. This is called inflammation. (Often a separate medical label ending in “itis” is used to describe the inflammation healing process – rhinitis, nephritis, meningitis, arthritis.)

The body brings additional blood flow to the area to provide repair materials causing the redness and heat. The activity of the bacteria breaking down the waste also generates heat.

All of this is the self-healing body doing what it needs to do to heal. Medicine deems all of these actions taken by the body to heal itself as dangerous and claims they need to apply poison to stop them. In the science of natural hygiene, which is what we follow to heal our ourselves, and our companion animals, we deem the healing processes created by the body as helpful rather than harmful. Rather than trying to force these healing processes to stop we aim to support the healing process and remove the cause of disease that led to the creation of the healing symptoms. When you remove the cause, disease conditions disappear.

When the body creates the healing process called “infection” by the disease industry, the only thing we need to do, or can do to assist the body in this process is not poison the body with treatments that impair these processes and most importantly not feed. Fasting allows the body to focus all available energy on the cleaning and repair process to heal quickly. Feeding slows the healing considerably and extends the amount of time the body ends up in pain or discomfort. This is because digestion is the largest energy drain on the body. As long as the digestive processes are working the energy available to heal is diverted and healing must proceed more slowly.

Medicine has never cured a single disease because the foundation of everything they do is based upon a false concept and false understanding of the role of bacteria in the body. For example, MRSA infection is a common issue for patients in hospitals. It is said to be antibiotic-resistant and cause major damage to the body. However, we now know that every human has a population of MRSA in their body at all times. All healthy bodies carry around all forms of bacteria that medicine blames for disease. If the bacteria is present in a healthy body and not causing symptoms then it cannot be a cause of disease in an unhealthy body.

Medicine is founded on the incorrect narrative of germs attacking the body which allows them to sell us poisons (antibiotics, antibacterials) to kill those germs. The only way to justify the sale of these poisons is if the public believes that the germs always present in the healthy body, created by the body and controlled by the body, are the cause of disease and that they require poisons to kill those germs. As a result of this narrative, allopathic medicine has created what they call “superbugs” or antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. In reality, the body that is not killed by the application of poison is simply more injured and creates more and stronger bacteria to help itself heal.

The person who takes an antibiotic frequently finds that their symptoms return a short time later. The disease business narrative says they have developed antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Following their flawed logic, the disease industry then sells their customer a stronger poison to kill the germs created by the body to heal both the initial injury and the secondary injury created by the first round of poisons. The body will temporarily stop the cleaning process to deal with the incoming poison. However, this is the healing process the body uses to remedy disease conditions, so necessarily, the body will try to create the symptoms again a few days, weeks, or months later. Eventually, the body either runs out of energy to clean and heal temporarily pausing the healing symptoms at which point medicine then claims the drugs worked. Or the body shifts its elimination pathways and creates a different type of expulsion symptom to try to heal, shifts to internally storing the poison or waste material in tumors leading to cancer, or the person or animal dies from the repeated poisoning.

We see this most commonly in dogs with “allergies” or ear “infections”. The body tries to eliminate the waste through the skin or the ears and the owner rushes to the Vet where poison is applied to the ears or skin. The symptom stops temporarily while the body deals with the poison, then the body rests and recovers its energy, and the cleaning symptom returns. And again the owner runs to the vet to stop the cleaning, applying more poisons. This process repeats year after year until the dog or cat gets diagnosed with cancer or organ failure from the repeated poisoning and repeated stopping of the body’s healing processes.

The body never benefits from the application of poisons. You cannot poison a poisoned body back to health. But this is exactly what medicine attempts whenever the body starts the healing processes they call infection and inflammation. Since medicine always works against the body’s ability to heal itself AND it never seeks to remove the cause of the initial injury (cooked, foods, processed foods, meat, dairy, eggs, salt, spices, alcohol, coffee, tea, etc that poison us) the body is just continuously pushed into higher levels of disease.

The “deadly systemic infection” sold to you by the disease for-profit industry is the body-initiated cure for the disease conditions present in the body. This process is never dangerous because it is the cure for disease conditions. The body healing itself can never harm the body. However, if one were to apply poisons to the body when the body is in a vulnerable condition trying to clean out the prior poisons this drugging can result in severe injury, brain damage, or death. It is the drugging itself that causes the injury though, not the body’s healing processes.

The body’s healing processes never cause damage to the heart, liver, kidneys, or other organs. The body has a mandate to survive and will never create any conditions as part of the healing process that are dangerous to the body. However, if we keep putting in the cause and keep stopping the body from cleaning out the waste eventually chronic disease is the result. It is the ever-growing backlog of waste in the body that causes injury to the organs, not the body’s attempts to remove the waste and recover.

Frequently the appeal of following the drugging route to stop the healing process is based on the idea that the person or animal is suffering due to the healing process. After all, no one likes a cold or a flu-healing event. It’s certainly not fun and most humans are happy to swallow whatever any salesperson tells them will stop the cleaning as quickly as possible. So it is natural that we would want to try anything to stop the infection and inflammation and put an end to the short-term pain. In reality, drugging the body and causing more damage to the body’s tissues by suppressing healing processes always increases the suffering of the animal.

They started out with waste from one problem and by applying the various remedies we so exhaust the body that the symptoms of healing that the body created with the infection are temporarily impaired and stop for a short period of time. Drugging makes us feel better in the short term but it’s not better for the animal (or the human) because it causes long-term suffering from chronic disease and degeneration of the body.

The pain of healing on the other hand is short-lived, especially if we are willing to listen to the body and work with the body. First, we must cease the input of unnatural foods so the body can focus fully on healing quickly. and then we correct the diet so the body is not battling a chronic state of disease. The short-term gain of temporarily stopping the healing symptom the body is creating does not lead to long-term health outcomes. However, the short-term pain of allowing the healing process to complete and removing the cause of disease does lead to long-term health.

You can read more about the lie of infection and the science of how the body heals in this Lesson –

I also recommend reading this series on what disease is and how it is created –

Or you can watch this presentation on the 7 stages of disease which explains what disease is, why it is created, and how it is reversed.


Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? I offer consultations, learn more about them here:

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Natural Human Diet Support and Education Group? New Groups start on the 1st of every month!

Eat fruit and be well my friends.

The Nature and Purpose of Disease – Part 12

The following is part 12 of a 14-part post series on the nature and purpose of disease. If you prefer to watch a video on the subject see our presentation “The Seven Stages of Disease” available at the bottom of the page.

T.C Fry on the nature and purpose of disease:


At their strongest, bacteria complicate disease because the by­products of bacterial fermentation or putrefaction are deadly poison. In fermentation the by-products are lactic acid, acetic acid or vinegar, and alcohol. Putre­faction involves nitrogenous foods or proteins. The by-products of rotting protein are ammonias, indoles, skatoles, purines, etc. They are toxic within organisms, although the body can normally eliminate these poisons. In fact, our feces and urine are loaded with the by-products of protein decomposition, both from our body decomposi­tion and bacterial decomposition.

You’ve heard of the ideal of living in a germ-free en­vironment. That is an impossibility, of course. Trillions of bacteria are in and on our bodies at all times. If we were free of these minute organisms, we’d soon die. They perform many essential services for us which will be discussed in a later lesson. Suffice it to say that we live symbiotically with bacteria.

Bacteria are wrongfully blamed for our own indiscre­tions. It’s the rare medic who doesn’t find a scapegoat for his client and remove responsibility for problems from the shoulders of the sufferer.

Medical logic is not very logical. According to medical thinking, bacteria or viruses invade our bodies and destroy our cells. It would seem that our body defenses permit this by their intimations. It would seem that once these invading entities have a headstart they would not stop destroying the rest of the cells of the organism, especially as the first strike has crippled the organism and lessened its ability to defend itself. By medical logic, the bacteria are there in greater numbers, for they proliferate astro­nomically when they’ve found a feast situation. How can the body reverse this situation and recover? ‘

The medics believe that they administer drugs that kill off the bacteria so that the body can have a chance to recover. Also, they have people believing that medicines are healing agents or that they assist in healing.

When you start asking deep penetrating questions into the causes of disease, the medical theories fall of their own weight. They cannot be sustained in the face of self-evident truths. So we have to find the rational basis for disease causation.

Disease has a sole unitary cause. It is instituted and conducted by the body itself. It is the only organized entity capable of coordinating the various processes of disease. Disease is occasioned when toxic materials that we have generated within or taken in from without are uneliminated due to the body’s inability to cope with them. These debilitate and devitalize the organism until, at a point where it can no longer tolerate the growing toxic load at its mean level of vitality, the body institutes a crisis, redirecting its body energies to the enemy within.

Let’s go back to pneumonia. Physicians worry that when a person has a cold or the flu, it will become pneumonia. It occurs so many times among their patients that they make “heroic” efforts to prevent this. They administer drugs galore. Yet, pneumonia occurs so frequently despite the drugging that doctors feel powerless in the face of pneumonia, one of the primary causes of death in our society. The question arises: what causes pneumonia then? Does pneumococcus survive the drug onslaught and cause pneumonia anyway?

If colds are, as we teach, a cleansing process, how does a body that is in crisis get yet worse? If the body is elimi­nating toxic materials profusely through the respiratory tract as in colds and flu, then how do the lungs also be­come contaminated?

All cases of colds and flu recover very quickly if the sufferer goes to bed in an airy room with lots of natural daylight. Almost total rest is called for. Total abstention from food but plenty of pure water is needed. Under these conditions debility ceases in from one to three days. But, if the sufferer refuses to rest and continues to eat the same bad food that contributed heavily to the crisis in the first place, the eliminative effort may be less than the continued toxic buildup, in which case pneumonia may be a concomitant. But, if the sufferer goes to a medic and gets drugged in addition, the body turns its attention to eliminating the drugs. It may cease the cold or flu altogether in face of the greater enemy. The continued toxic buildup spreads to the lungs. The drugs and toxic materials may concentrate so strongly in the lungs as to cause death or to set the stage for cancer. Many autopsies reveal people who have had pneumonia or who have smoked or lived in highly polluted air have tumors, indurated sacs of lung tissue which encapsulate toxic substances in the lungs. Many cases of long fasts have been conducted in which pneumonia had been suffered many years before. The drugs that had been given had been noted to make their exit from the lungs during the course of the fast as the body autolyzed the tumors and expelled their contents.

Yet, despite the obvious causes of pneumonia, medical professionals are still saying that pneumococcus causes pneumonia when, in fact, more than 25% of pneumonia cases never have pneumococcus. Now that medics are getting more and more away from the germ theory of disease causation they’re invoking viruses as the culprits. This is true only if by viruses we mean uneliminated metabolic wastes. But when you start probing into what viruses are and how they cause disease, you might call this the “evil spirit” theory of disease, for the medics imbue viruses with all the qualities of malevolent spirits.

Such blindness characterizes the medical profession. The purpose of disease is so evident that medics can’t see it. Just as with the guard in the concentration camp, they are looking for something that doesn’t exist and they over­look that which they see so plainly all the time.

Medical researchers have chronicled over 20,000 different diseases. They name almost every variation. They have multiple names because of the number of organs or tissue systems that exhibit symptoms. All of this is only one disease. And the disease, which we call constructive disease, is occasioned by the body itself and is known as toxemia or toxicosis.

Excerpt from:

Life Science Course LESSON 2 – The Nature and Purpose of Disease – Download the full PDF of this lesson

Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? We offer consultations here:

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Eat fruit, get rest, and be well my friends. 

Go back to the beginning of the series: Part 1 or go forward to read Part 13, or watch a presentation on the subject here:

The Nature and Purpose of Disease – Part 11

The following is part 11 of a 14-part post series on the nature and purpose of disease. If you prefer to watch a video on the subject see our presentation “The Seven Stages of Disease” available at the bottom of the page.

T.C Fry on the nature and purpose of disease:


After reviewing the seven stages of disease it should be obvious that bacteria and so-called viruses do not cause diseases. Viruses do cause diseases if you call toxic waste materials of decomposed body cells viruses. Decomposed cell debris is precisely what virologists and physicians are calling viruses. They regard viruses as living entities when, in fact, medics have not in all history observed any quality of life they ascribe to viruses. What is called virus is always dead. It’s never been observed to be alive. It doesn’t have the first prerequisites of life, that is, metabolic and control mechanisms. Even bacteria have that. I repeat that what is called viruses are nothing more than components of decomposed cells.

Some people insist that syphilis is caused by bacteria, more specifically spirochetes. Though the term spirochetes has given way to viruses called Herpes these days—that’s today’s fashion—it was easy to demonstrate that spirochetes were never responsible in the first place. When you ask a bacteriologist which comes first, the soil or the bacteria, he will answer that the soil must exist first for bacteria to thrive, for bacteria are presented a deadly environment by living cells. So, bacteria never exist in a proliferating state where there is no food or soil for their propagation. They multiply when there is feast, and they die off when there is famine or adverse environment, hence, bacteria no more create their food supply than flies cause garbage. The garbage must preexist the flies and, on the same order, the garbage or soil on which bacteria thrive in our bodies must preexist their presence and propagation. In other words, they do not cause the condition—they are there because of the condition.

When the body has a highly toxic condition such as inflammation, it will absorb bacteria from the intestinal cavity and transport them to the point where deadly materials have been concentrated. The bacteria then symbiotically assist in breaking up these toxic materials for elimination. Of course, the excreta of bacteria are toxic, too.

Ignorant physicians regard these bacteria not as our symbiotic partners in the process of combating disease, but as the cause of the disease. Koch destroyed Pasteur’s original theories by his four postulates. The first two state that if a disease is caused by a certain type of bacterium, then that form of bacteria must always be present when the disease exists. The other says that the disease must always be occasioned by the presence or introduction of the bacteria said to be responsible. Although these cardinal principles are self-evident, so many exceptions existed as to disprove totally the germ theory of disease-causation. Koch laid down his postulates in 1892; the medical profession never has given them credence. To this day the profession clings to the disproven germ theory except that germs in the form of bacteria are taking a back seat to an even more elusive entity called a virus.

Bacteria exist in a multitude of strains, forms, and metabolic capabilities. Bacteria are versatile and in many cases change forms and lifestyles in keeping with the character of the soil available to them. Round bacteria can become rod shaped and vice versa.

It used to be said that pneumococcus caused pneu­monia. But it was noted that this type of bacteria was absent in nearly half the cases. Moreover, administering the bacteria to healthy organisms never occasioned pneumonia. The plain fact that bacteria are in the human body as they are everywhere else is not recognized by the medical profession. Bacteria are symbiotic partners of all creatures in nature. In order to come to exist in nature in the first place, humans had to establish a state of symbiosis with all natural forces.

In the second place, if bacteria invaded organisms and laid them low as they’re supposed to do—if the body could be laid low while in a state of health—then the impetus or momentum the bacteria had built up would become more pronounced and overwhelming as the organism receded in disease. It would be a one-way trip the same as vultures picking the bones of a cadaver. If bacteria and viruses cause disease, once they have overwhelmed the body and actually debilitated it, how does the much weakened body regain ascendancy? If you were to inquire into this deeply and pursue it to its logical conclusions, you’d find that, once a body has lost the battle while in a state of health, it’s going to lose the war after being disabled.

Excerpt from:

Life Science Course LESSON 2 – The Nature and Purpose of Disease – Download the full PDF of this lesson

Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? We offer consultations here:

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group: New Groups start on the 1st of every month!

Eat fruit, get rest, and be well my friends. 

Go back to the beginning of the series: Part 1 or go forward to read Part 12, or watch a presentation on the subject here:

The Nature and Purpose of Disease – Part 10

The following is part 10 of a 14-part post series on the nature and purpose of disease.  If you prefer to watch a video on the subject see our presentation “The Seven Stages of Disease” available at the bottom of the page.

T.C Fry on the nature and purpose of disease:

3.1.7. CANCER

The endpoint of the evolution of disease is cancer. It is the last stage of disease and is usually fatal, especially if the causes that brought it about are continued. Cessation of causes and indulgence of healthful practices may arrest it, for they can so revitalize the body that they may even destroy the cancer cells. It’s all relative. Cancer cells live in a hostile environment but still divide and flourish as long as nutrients are available to them. Cancer cells may be regarded as cells that have become independent and have reverted to the status of uncontrolled primitive cells—cells that live entirely on their own as do protozoa.

These stages of disease are quite distinct in their characters, yet the lines are more or less arbitrarily drawn. This often happens in attempts at categorization where one form evolves into another. The dividing lines have no clear-cut delineation.

People sometimes ask when cancer begins. Hygienists or Life Scientists say that it begins with the first cold or rash of childhood. The first crisis a baby endures begins the pathological chain that leads to cancer. This evolutionary chain begins then because the phenomenon of life is one constant violation of the laws of life from beginning to end.

Excerpt from:

Life Science Course LESSON 2 – The Nature and Purpose of Disease – Download the full PDF of this lesson

Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? We offer consultations here:

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group: New Groups start on the 1st of every month!

Eat fruit, get rest, and be well my friends. 

Go back to the beginning of the series: Part 1 or go forward to read Part 11, or watch a presentation on the subject here:

The Nature and Purpose of Disease – Part 4

The following is part 4 of a 14-part post series on the nature and purpose of disease. If you prefer to watch a video on the subject see our presentation “The Seven Stages of Disease” available at the bottom of the page.

T.C Fry on the nature and purpose of disease:


The body creates a crisis in response to a body need to free itself of toxic matters and repair damages. Conse­quently, the body withdraws energy from normal body activities and redirects them to the healing crisis.

I could tell you that I am suffering a disease at this moment. I’m not at ease with my larynx as you’ve noticed in my trying to clear my voice. I ate some cabbage for my evening meal. It was very sharp as it had some mustard oil in it, without doubt. Typically any irritant in the throat, esophagus or windpipe will occasion the flow of mucus which encompasses the irritant for the purpose of ejecting it from the body. In my case now, the body has started a mucus flow to clear the passage of what was regarded as toxic or irritating substance. This is a minor disease or unease. But it is disease and the body reacted to maintain its functional integrity.

The body will reject anything that’s irritating. For example, if dust is put into your nose, the body will secrete mucus to surround and eject the dust irritant. Or you may sneeze. In both cases, the body is acting defensively. Thus, all remedial disease is body-defensive action.

Bacteria do not invade organisms for they’re always within the organism. Even after we’ve lost our intestinal flora after fasting, bacteria are still there. Bacteria can in many cases do what bears and many other animals do—hibernate or become dormant. Pasteur was not the father of bacteriology as many people think. Antoine Bechamp was the father of this science. Bechamp was a scientist in the true sense of the word. He took what he called microzyma from the chalk cliffs of France. He found that, upon furnishing water, warmth and other nutrients, the microzyma proliferated. These microorganisms had been entombed for ten million years in a state of dormancy. So bacteria have certain qualities for survival that most are not aware of.

The celebrated Dr. Lewis Thomas who heads the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute said, “pity not the man who has caught bacteria; pity the bacteria that was caught by the man.” This is to say that humans furnish a very rough environment for bacteria. The body keeps them restricted within certain bounds. The body controls bacteria at all times. The body is master of its domain.

Bacteria do not control the body as medical people have led us to believe.

Following are two paragraphs from a “bible” on Natural Hygiene, Dr. Shelton’s first major work, Human Life: Its Philosophy and Laws.

“For ages the study of disease has progressed. One by one the various systems and system complexes that are presented by the diseased human body have been studied with painstaking care in both living and dead bodies. The study of pathology has reached a degree of perfection unknown to most of the collateral sciences that form what is called the science of medicine. Knowledge of pathology increased by leaps and bounds after the invention of the microscope, until today pathology is one of the most important studies for the medical student. Physiology, anatomy, histology and biology are all made subservient to pathology.

“The study of disease has fascinated the student for ages. Health has received scant attention. Strange as it may appear, health has been considered of so little importance as to be unworthy of investigation. No schools ever existed for teaching the conditions of health. Medical schools existed to train the student in a knowledge of disease and cures. Even today no school exists that has as its purpose the teaching of the conditions and requirements of health. The conditions of a healthy life are but little understood by the various healing professions and still less so by the general public. Health is not in the professional line of the physician.”

The medical world is preoccupied with treating disease with drugs that are currently in fashion. Their seeking out of bacteria and “viruses” as culprits in disease reminds me of a little joke we heard back after the Second World War. It goes like this.

During the Second World War a German civilian worked in a concentration camp. One evening he pushed a wheel­barrow to the exit gate for inspection by a guard. The wheelbarrow was loaded with rags. The guard, very conscientious about his job and the security of the camp and its assets, methodically went through the rags but found nothing. So he waved the worker through the gate.

The very next day the worker came through with a wheelbarrow of newspapers. The guard repeated the previous careful examination. The following day came a wheelbarrow of leaves. Again the same thorough inspection.

The day following this the worker came to the guard pushing a heavy load of dirt. The guard was not going to be fooled. He made the worker dump the dirt and spread it out, then laboriously reload it on the wheelbarrow.

The next workday came another load of newspapers. The guard was very suspicious that the worker was sneaking something out. So, in addition to other procedures, he tapped the handles and other places for concealed material that the worker might be stealing. But nothing was found.

This went on almost every workday for a year. On occa­sion the guard systematically searched the wheelbarrows but never found anything of value being removed from the camp.

By and by the war was over. A while later the former guard met the former construction worker on the street.

He went up to the worker and stopped him abruptly with this smiling demand:

“Hans, you have to tell me something. I’m no dummy. You were stealing something from the camp. I could never find it. Now that it doesn’t matter, why not let me in on it?”

Hans replied, “Why, dummkopf, you saw it with your own eyes. I was stealing wheelbarrows.”

Such blindness characterizes the medical profession. The purpose of disease is so evident that the medics can’t see it. They are looking for something that doesn’t exist, and they have no idea, after countless millions of man hours of chasing microbes and similar deadends, that viruses as living entities do not exist.

So they have gone into the phenomenon of disease ela­borately and have chronicled over twenty thousand differ­ent diseases. They name them after the area that is most affected. Sometimes they have multiple names because of the number of organs or organ systems or tissues which art affected.

Excerpt from:

Life Science Course LESSON 2 – The Nature and Purpose of Disease – Download the full PDF of this lesson

Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? We offer consultations here:

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group: New Groups start on the 1st of every month!

Eat fruit, get rest and be well my friends. 

Go back to the beginning of the series: Part 1 or go forward to read Part 5, or watch a presentation on the subject here: