Healing Dogs with Parvo

Why the medical industry fails to heal dogs with Parvo and what you need to know to make sure your dog survives and thrives!

Parvo is one of the most misunderstood conditions by the medical for-profit business. The medical narrative of Parvo is that it is a deadly virus that attacks the body and commonly leads to death in puppies. It is greatly feared in the rescue and shelter communities and sadly, like most things that are approached from a state of fear, it is the fear that drives the high rate of deaths.

Biologically, parvo is, in fact, a detox process. It is the normal biological process of a body that has been exposed to a toxic substance. In other words, parvo is a collection of symptoms that the body creates when it has been poisoned, as a life-saving response to being poisoned.

Parvo is common in puppies because puppies are being weaned off their mother’s milk and onto poisonous food – kibble or commercial/canned foods. Because puppies have high vitality, being young, their body responds aggressively to toxic materials.

This means very frequently a dog that is moved from mother’s milk to kibble will initially develop diarrhea. If they are unlucky enough to be rushed to the vet at this point they may be tested for dead cell debris which the medical industry calls viruses and if they are positive for a particular shape of dead cell debris which they call the parvovirus they will be subjected to a lot of drugs to kill the dead cell debris which medicine pretends is alive and attacking the body, or invading the cells.

Even though medicine readily admits that viruses lack all the requisites of life they must still blame the virus, the dead cell debris, so that they can legally apply poisons to the body.

I have had many dogs of my own diagnosed with parvo, as well as many client’s dogs over the years. They always survive by fasting and then returning to the proper foods suited to their body. We always fast for a minimum of 24 hours after the last sign of vomiting or diarrhea. Having water always available but never forced and never given by syringe. Then after the diarrhea stops and it has been 24 hours since the last instance we start them on ripe bananas.

We do not ever feed cooked food, including kibble or canned dog foods because these cause the initial symptoms to begin with. Here is an article explaining why cooked foods lead to disease – https://www.therawkey.com/the-folly-of-cookery/

The reason that a parvo diagnosis is so deadly is that the most common treatment for parvo is antibiotics combined with IV Saline. Both of these treatments on their own are potentially deadly. Here is an article that explains why the saline drip leads to so many human and animal deaths. – https://www.therawkey.com/the-dangers-of-saline-drips/

Reading the warning labels on antibiotics will tell you all you need to know about their ability to cause organ damage, organ failure, and death.

As I mentioned above, parvo is not a disease, it is a healing process or a detox process. All of the symptoms are expulsion symptoms. Parvo never kills dogs, it’s all the treatments that people and vets use that end up killing the dog.

Parvo occurs when we transition a puppy from mother’s milk to toxic foods and the puppy’s body has high vitality so it tries to expel those foods creating diarrhea, but because we keep trying to give them commercial dog food, which is toxic, instead of real food the body keeps having to create diarrhea leading to dehydration.

Often a parvo diagnosis will also occur following vaccination for the same reason, the body is attempting to expel the toxins and waste that were created as a result of the injury from the injection of toxic substances.

All we do for Parvo is stop the processed commercial foods and any other materials going into the body that are not just whole foods in their whole natural form, and fast the dog for 24 hours, making sure they drink water throughout the day but not forcing water, letting them drink to thirst. Then we start them on fruit after 24 hours of no diarrhea or vomiting. Bananas, watermelon, papaya, or smushed blueberries are all good options to start with.

Once we stop putting in the cause of the body’s distress the body can quickly complete its healing processes and return to a state of health. If we then continue to feed properly and not poison the dog with cooked foods and unnatural substances then they will live a long happy life. But if we take a dog that is having diarrhea as a reaction to heavily processed foods and drugs and add more drugs and more heavily processed foods then the health of the dog will be continuously at risk until we stop putting in the cause.

If we follow the drugging route, even with “natural” drugs, herbs, medicinal supplements, or anything other than whole natural raw fruits in their whole form then the body will very likely be seriously injured and may succumb to the poisoning.

Since most people struggle with the concept of not doing anything, and especially not continuing to force food into the body, most people unwittingly kill the animal with all their attempts to help.

Whenever the body is creating expulsion symptoms the only safe path is to stop all inputs until the expulsion symptoms have completed. Doing anything else, no matter how innocuous it might seem, is risking the death of the animals.

Expulsion symptoms, especially diarrhea, vomiting, anything impairing breathing, and fever always require a complete cessation of food going in until the symptom passes.

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