Repairing our Vision


At least 2.2 billion people have near or distant vision impairment. Approximately 64% of adults use some form of vision correction, including eyeglasses, contact lenses, and/or vision correction surgery. Over 4 billion people in the world wear glasses. It is estimated that 50% of the population will need glasses by 2050. Vision impairment is certainly a common issue, but it is definitely not normal! Vision impairment, like dental decay, is a sign of degeneration of the body. A big red flag and warning of the progressing destruction of our bodies. But just like all other forms of degeneration, recovering our eyesight is possible when we put the conditions of health into place and remove all of the causes of disease.

Vision impairment is certainly a common issue, but it is definitely not normal! Vision impairment, like dental decay, is a sign of degeneration of the body. Learn how to correct it today. Share on X

One of the most important factors that lead to visual impairment is dehydration. The eye is largely a sac filled with water. As the body, and then the eye become dehydrated over time from our poor lifestyle habits the shape of the eye becomes distorted, which distorts the shape of the lens leading to blurry vision. Since most of the world’s population eats a cooked foods diet, as we age our vision becomes more and more impaired because we become more and more chronically dehydrated from the cooked foods we consume.

In addition to the dehydration from our unnatural cooked diet, our lifestyle habits and the glasses themselves weaken the muscles that control our eyes and over time this weakness builds impairing our vision. Then we have the nerve damage which controls the communication from the eyes to the brain and back again. All of these impairments are a result of the disease conditions we create by eating far from our natural diet.

Luckily, most people see a massive improvement in their vision within 1 year of returning to their natural diet and they are able to get rid of the glasses altogether. We can also speed the healing of our eyes by using exercises specifically designed to improve our vision. This is called the Bates Method and a PDF is attached below which teaches this method.

If you are not sure what the natural human diet is you can read about it here –

Want to learn more about vision problems and how to correct them? Here are a few excerpts from the Life Science Course:

“Old age often has meant that the eyes and teeth rapidly fail us. Dentures and eyeglasses go hand in hand with Social Security checks. But does this mean that poor or missing teeth and weak, failing vision should be the norm for the elderly?

The young, too, have miserable dental health and vision problems. Younger and younger children are forced to wear glasses, and it is a very rare child indeed who does not have at least one dental cavity.

The truth is this: the overall health and well-being of the body is reflected through the health of the mouth and the clarity of one’s vision. Dental decay and failing eyesight are signs of a deteriorating body. Yet, it doesn’t have to be this way.

The teeth and eyes are built for long years of service—at least for 120 years. There have been stories of people who grow a third set of teeth in old age, and regained eyesight among the elderly is not impossible. So, poor teeth and eyes are never natural. Your teeth and eyes should be as sound at 50 as they were at 20—if you understand and follow the precepts of a healthy lifestyle.”

Most people see a massive improvement in their vision within 1 year of returning to their natural diet and they are able to get rid of the glasses altogether. Share on X

What causes a person to be near-sighted or far-sighted? Why do so many older people require glasses? What is astigmatism? What are cataracts and how are they caused? Poor eyesight and vision problems affect almost every person alive today. Most of these problems could be prevented or corrected if the causes of poor eyesight are understood. Let’s look at the most common complaints about the eyes and sight:


Your vision often seems to deteriorate as you grow older. People that never wore glasses in their early years often succumb to using reading glasses around the age of fifty. Does the power of vision naturally falter with passing years? Yes and no.

Your eyes can focus on both faraway and closeby objects because the lens of the eye can be “stretched.” The lens itself is composed of a strong, elastic capsule of proteinaceous fibers. Ligaments attach to the lens which allow it to be contracted and relaxed. As the lens changes shape by the ligaments pulling on it, the eye adjusts so that it can look at both objects in the distance and those that are close up.

As a person grows older, the lens loses its elastic nature and becomes more and more solidified. This is probably because the protein composing the mass of the lens becomes denatured. As the lens loses its elasticity, it can no longer quickly adjust in its focusing.

Around 45 to 50 years, the lens can only move about one-eighth as much as it could at birth. Finally with advanced age, the tens of the eye loses all elasticity and remains permanently fixed and focused at one distance.

This condition is called presbyopia and it simply means that the person has reached a stage where each eye remains permanently focused at an almost constant distance. The distance that the eyes continually focus on depends upon the physical characteristics of the person’s eyes.

What this means is that a person may be able to see moderately well for objects that are three to thirty feet away, but cannot read or see distant objects without glasses. Although similar to “farsightedness” or “nearsightedness,” the condition known as presbyopia is strictly speaking not the same. This vision problem affects only the older segment of the population, and occurs as a result of gradual deterioration instead of any congenital defect.

Does this mean that you must have poor vision by the age of fifty? Absolutely not. Although the lens of the eye does gradually decrease in elasticity, it can be slowed down enough so that it is almost imperceptible.

The proteinaceous denaturement of the material that makes up the lens of the eye occurs because the body is focusing its healing and regenerative energies on the more vital body areas. There is no reason why the materials making up the lens cannot be rejuvenated or maintained at their present level.

If the body is unencumbered by toxins, stress, or disease, then it can rebuild its weakest parts—including the eyes. If, however, the individual is in the state of toxicosis or is leading an unhealthy lifestyle, then the body never has a chance to revitalize the eyes. Instead, all the body’s energies are directed simply toward keeping itself alive.

As long as the health of the body is in a critical state, then the type of rejuvenation that is required to correct failing vision cannot occur. Perfect eyesight is not an absolute requirement for the survival of the organism. Consequently, the body always tends to correct the most pressing problems first. For most people, this means that the eyes and eyesight are low on the body’s list of priorities for revitalization and healing. Until you can “get ahead” in rebuilding your health, your eyesight will remain at its current level.

The most effective method known for restoring failing eyesight is a prolonged and supervised fast. This allows the body to reverse the deterioration and denaturation of the eye lens because the fast provides the necessary physiological rest for this to occur.

Old age doesn’t mean poor vision. Perfect eyesight, along with perfect health, is your birthright and heritage. A failing of the senses is not “natural” any more than any illness or disease is natural. Most people believe that poor vision goes along with increased years. Fasting, an optimum diet, and freedom from stress are the only requirements for improving your eyes. No matter what your condition, these steps will give you some noticeable improvement in your vision.


A man or woman who lived a thousand years ago would find the twentieth century to be a very strange place. The first thing that such a time traveler would notice is that about one out of every two people walking around his pieces of glass tied together and strapped across the nose. We call these things “eyeglasses” and we take them for granted.

But are they natural? Going through life with a pair of glass lens perched atop your nose or stuck onto the eyeball itself (if contact lenses are used) is the same as using crutches or a cane to walk around with. Why are there so many ‘vision cripples?”

Most people who wear glasses do so usually for one of these three vision problems: near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism. Are these conditions natural, and what can we do about them?


The most common eye problem is near-sightedness, or myopia. This means that the eyes cannot focus properly on anything beyond a certain distance, and can only see objects that are “near”—hence the term, near-sightedness.

Interestingly enough, near-sightedness most generally occurs in children and gradually worsens until around the age of 20 or so. Why is this? Some researchers have speculated that diet may be the clue in the myopic mystery.

In the Pennsylvania Medical Journal, Dr. Hunter J. Turner singles out soft drinks or carbonated soda water as the number one cause of near-sightedness in children. The carbonic acid in these drinks is one of the worst enemies of the eyes, and Dr. Turner believes he has discovered a strong link between soft drink consumption and the incidence of near-sightedness.

What will help a near-sighted person? Exercise. But not only general body conditioning, but a special set of exercises that are performed exclusively for strengthening the muscles of the lens of the eye.

For example, the Bates System of eye exercises has been used for years with moderate success. According to the International Record of Medicine, “a specific course in visual training may improve visual acuity, size of visual field, refractive errors, and even reading speed in selected individuals.” Additional references to these series of eye exercises are at the end of the lesson. The good news is this: near-sightedness can be overcome by proper exercise of the eyes. Among children, the results are especially impressive. You can throw those glasses away.

What about far-sightedness? Can it be corrected? Farsightedness is also known as hypermetropia. In this condition, the person cannot focus on objects close to them (such as a page of a book), but can see things in the distance as normal.

This is rarer than near-sightedness, but it is also caused by a weakened lens system. Both far-sightedness and near-sightedness are “corrected” by placing glasses or contacts over the lens so that the light is refracted in a different way.

Many far-sighted people have corrected their condition by not wearing glasses. In other words, they regularly exercise their eyes and try not to rely on any “crutches” or aids that might hinder their progress. Exercising the eyes and following an optimum diet (with periodic fasting) are effective and harmless ways to improve the vision.

If you wear glasses continuously, start off by removing them when it is not essential that you have clear vision. Gradually become used to not wearing glasses, and work your eyes. Focus on objects as far away as possible. Look at mountaintops, faraway trees, or signs. Then turn your eyes to objects less than three feet away. Practice regular rotation and exercise of the eyes for two to three periods a day. At the end of such exercising, press the palms over the eyes and keep them closed and relaxed. If you make a serious effort to exercise and relax your eyes in this manner (along with a regular program such as the Bates Vision System), you should quite literally see some improvement. Don’t forget that an excellent diet and fasting program should be used along with your eye exercise program in order to correct near- and far-sightedness.

Download a free copy of the Bates Method PDF Here –


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Eat fruit and be well my friends.