Healing Cats and Dogs by Returning to Nature

The Animal’s Key

In this section, you will find all of our articles on healing our companion animals that make our lives brighter every day. Below you will find healing stories from each of Lauren’s rescue dogs as well as friends and clients whose animals have healed from a wide range of health conditions. We will also be adding articles about how to transition back to the natural diet, and why returning your pet to their natural diet will allow their self-healing, self-cleaning bodies to work as they are designed to return your companion back to the vibrant state of health that is their birthright. You will also find articles on what to expect as the body is healing, the difference between healing symptoms and suppressing symptoms, and much more. Check back regularly as we are adding more articles as fast as we can write them!

Download our free Natural Dog Diet Quickstart Guide

Download our free Natural Cat Diet Quickstart Guide

Not sure how to get started? Book a diet basics video consultation with Lauren on our consultations page

Have specific questions about your dog’s health conditions or need help navigating a difficult diagnosis? Book a 45-minute or 90-minute consultation with Lauren on our consultations page.

Join our support group on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/naturaldogdiet

Latest Articles

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    Question: Can you please educate me on why euthanizing your pet is more cruel than allowing them to die naturally? I spent hours today watching videos on YouTube trying to see the unpopular viewpoint but all videos I watched had the same narrative, that euthanizing your pet when they are suffering is the kind choice.… Continue reading →
  • Why Is My Dog Shivering?
    Shivering, tremors, or shaking in dogs can occur throughout the healing process. Learn why and when we should be concerned. There are a few common reasons why dogs tend to shiver: Dogs Shiver from excitement Shivering from excitement or an excess of energy is the most common reason that dogs will shiver, especially among toy… Continue reading →
  • Healing Dogs with Parvo
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  • What is Fatigue?
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  • Why do Vets discourage raw feeding?
    Often people who have done any research about the health or healing of their animals are shocked to find out that their vet discourages them, or even outright tells them they are putting their dog’s life at risk by feeding a natural, species-appropriate raw diet.   The vet will often launch into a tirade about… Continue reading →
  • When is the optimal feeding window for my doggy?
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  • Healing Stories – Broken Bones, Severe Injuries and Fasting
    SIDNEY’s Story: NATURE HEALS FRACTURED BONES PERFECTLY  Healing Testimonial from Gary Kemp In July 2023 one of my rescue dogs, Sidney, sustained two severe pelvic fractures by being run over by a 2 ton vehicle.  I will skip the details of this incident, but suffice it to say that the injuries were so bad that… Continue reading →
  • Why do other raw feeding models like B.A.R.F, P.M.R, and R.M.F. fail to heal our pets completely?
    If you have been researching a raw food diet or natural food diets for dogs and cats you may have come across the Prey Model Raw  (P.M.R.) or Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (B.A.R.F.) diets both of which market themselves as the natural diet for our canine companions.  They have significant differences but both have their… Continue reading →
  • Healing Hairloss in Cats
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Healing Before & After