What is Fatigue?

Fatigue and the Healing Processes

Fatigue is how we heal.

This is one of the hardest concepts that so many people struggle against.

Healing occurs when we are fasting and our legs get so weak that we cannot stand.

Healing occurs when the cold or flu makes us feel the lowest of low.

When I healed the mass in my breast I spent 72 hours in agony, with even the lightest of bed sheets touching my skin being excruciating. Bouncing between being freezing and being so hot that I felt like my skin was on fire. For 3 days I thought I was dying but I trusted that my body was intelligent. I also understood that my body has a biological mandate to survive. The body will never injure itself. The body will never create a symptom too dangerous. The body never needs to be rescued from itself. The body never benefits from interventions. The body is never made stronger by applying poisons.

When Happy, one of my Miniature Schnauzer rescues healed from a grapefruit-sized mass on her spleen, vestibular disease, sight, and hearing loss she slept all day for weeks on end and had several seizures during the healing process. Her body was always in control. Always creating symptoms for the benefit of the body.

When Mr Bean healed from seizures he fasted for 5 days and slept 23.75 hours a day, only getting up to pee once per day and drinking water on some days. He slept so soundly that I had to keep checking to make sure he was breathing.

Sleep is easy for the dogs to embrace. When healing begins they go straight to their dens, curl up, and sleep. The cats too. They don’t have any fear of rest like we humans do. They don’t fear their body’s healing processes. They don’t worry about missed meals. They don’t worry about missed activities. They just feel tired so they stop eating and go rest.

We humans though fight against every effort our body makes to heal us.

Rather than go to sleep and heal, we stimulate and fear the rest, further poisoning ourselves. We fear permitting ourselves to rest. We fear the wobbly legs, we try to eat through the nausea even with our bodies screaming at us to stop eating.

We fear heart palpitations as the body eliminates the poisons. We fear the mucus the body uses to wrap up the poisons and expel them and we try to use medicines or herbs to break up the mucus, as though dead materials can take action. Poisons cannot ever take action. They can never improve our condition. They can only poison.

We reach for drugs or herbs to save us from the very life-saving symptoms that the body is creating to heal us.

We fear the fever that heals but take a poison pill to bring the fever down. Many people succumb to the pill, many children die from the drugging of their body during a body creates fever.

We fear the diarrhea created by the body to expel the toxic materials, take anti-diarrheal medications, and drink salt-laden waters because we have been fed the electrolytes lie.

We fear the swelling of the lymph nodes that indicate the body is actively healing and working as designed and have our body’s sewer system surgically dissected for fear of the greatest healing process the body can create.

Every step of the way we battle against our body until our body has no choice but to give up the fight. And it all starts with fatigue.

Fatigue is the first sign of disease at our earliest juncture. It becomes chronic as we ignore it and disease builds. Yet, we continue to ignore it, stimulating it with salt, coffee, meat, or other irritants.

Fatigue is the result of the available energy turning inward to heal. Every time our legs get weak and wobbly or we feel like we cannot move our arms or lift even our water cup this is the tremendous gift of healing. The body has moved all available nerve energy internally and is cleaning and expelling the waste that has been slowly killing us.

But sadly, every step of the way most people will stimulate their way out of this healing with pharmaceutical drugs, herbs, salt, coffee, or a long list of other poisons until the body is left with no choice but to expire under the poisoning we have put ourselves through.

Fatigue is how we heal. Never forget that and health will be in your future.

Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? I offer consultations, learn more about them here: https://www.therawkey.com/consultations/

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group? New Groups start on the 1st of every month! https://www.therawkey.com/the-natural-diet-support-group/

Eat fruit and be well my friends.

Is oversleeping really bad for you?

I hear a lot lately that too much sleep can make you sick.

“There is no such thing as oversleep. The body will not sleep beyond need. Consciousness returns when need has been met. We can’t control that. However, we can by many devices shorten our sleep and simply refuse to get enough.

Sleep is a restorative agency, not a pathogenic practice, Medical men have said that fresh air is bad for you because it has been proven that city dwellers moving from polluted cities to vacation areas in fresh pure air get sick. Calling oversleeping pathogenic is similar to calling fresh air bad for you.

This attitude comes about because medical opinion regards disease as a war against the body by invading forces such as bacteria or viruses or both. Disease and sickness are not recognized as a body-instituted cleansing and repair process. When the body’s vitality is increased by fresh air or by heightened nerve energy derived from sleep extraordinary to normal, the body uses the opportunity to start a healing crisis.

Rather than regarding sleep as an enemy of well-being, you should regard it as one way in which to more quickly help reestablish physiological normalcy. When in the relaxing and reassuring atmosphere of a fasting institution, many fasters start off by sleeping most of the time, sometimes for up to a week. When their bodies are sufficiently cleansed, they cannot sleep as much as is regarded normal. Note that in the case of heavy sleeping they could do so only because the body needed it to regenerate the increased nerve energy to restore normalcy. When normalcy has been reestablished, they find it impossible to get the amount of sleep they regard as normal. Thus we can see that oversleeping is myth, that the body will not, indeed, conduct the sleep process beyond need.”


“We can accept sleep as being absolutely necessary without question. But, as well, getting enough sleep is an essential of life. It is impossible for a healthy person to oversleep but undersleeping is an evil of our, times—a transgression most of us commit against ourselves.

When we undersleep, not enough nerve energy is generated to meet needs. We use more nerve energy when we are awake longer and generate less with less sleep, other conditions being equal. When our nerve energy is squandered to meet excessive consciously-directed activities, then nerve energy for unconscious
body activities is not available. This may mean poorer digestion, impaired elimination and so on—the body must suffer generally.

With adequate sleep enough nerve energy is generated to meet our normal needs.”

Excerpt from The Life Science Course Lesson 15 by T.C. Fry