
The Importance of Hydration and Water Consumption in Achieving or Restoring Optimal Health

In our previous article, “Humans are Herbivores, Comparative Anatomy” we established that eating watery fruits and fresh greens is the optimal diet, what about water consumption? Many people seem to believe that if you consume optimally hydrating foods that water is no longer necessary.  However, this is a grave mistake. Perhaps if someone has been following this ideal diet their whole lives this may be the case, however, virtually all of us have spent years and decades consuming non-ideal foods:  Processed junk, meat, dairy, etc. Making sure you get enough water in addition to eating as clean as possible will help speed up your healing process tremendously.  Why? Virtually all of our unnatural lifestyle decisions will eventually result in dehydration.

Eating processed foods? Dehydration

Caffeine?  Dehydration

Pushing yourself too hard? Dehydration

Not drinking enough water? Dehydration

Eating acidic foods? Dehydration

Need to burn off excess fat for energy? Takes a lot of water

Consuming animal products? Dehydration

Alcohol?  Dehydration

Bowel troubles? Water will help clear it

Exercise or physical activities? Dehydration

Body temperature regulation? Consumes water

Eliminating oils and lymphatic waste? Consumes water

Virtually all bad diet and lifestyle issues lead to dehydration eventually.  Consuming more water will help reverse most health issues. Often since we are not accustomed to drinking appropriate amounts of water we go through phases where we can’t take in very much, which is why it is generally recommended to start slow and go by feel.

I was on a raw, fairly ideal diet for about 3 years before I put together the water piece thanks to Sam Kovalyov, and my health improved dramatically in just the few months after I began drinking water regularly again. At first I was only able to drink about 2 quarts per day and I was urinating constantly.  Only a few short months later I was up to over a gallon each day and I was no longer feeling a need to urinate all the time.

When I first began putting emphasis on water again in February of 2020, I went through phases of edema (swelling) in various parts of my body as the water pooled up in areas of my body which it was being used to help clean. Our bodies will use water to help dilute acids and waste as they are cleared out.  Just like raw diet, the water piece takes time for your body to become accustomed to and some time for your body to utilize it.

Frequent urination is usually a sign that your body is passing toxins.  This is very common for most people when they begin to drink more water because most people are chronically dehydrated. Water helps break up the toxic gunk and as it becomes urine, the urine is more harsh than normal, so our bodies want to pass it sooner rather than later.  Frequent urination is a great sign you’re doing some cleaning. This step usually won’t last very long.

Ideally you will get to a point where it’s easy and you feel better consuming about a gallon or more per day, but if you are not used to this yet, it is recommended to work up to it slowly. Start with maybe 2 quarts and work up from there. If you need to hold at 2 quarts per day for a week or two then that’s totally fine.  As usual, go at your own pace.  Frequent urination will slow down over time and it will be easier to drink more and more.

It took me about 3 months of habitual water drinking before I began to be able to feel my own thirst impulse again.  Talking to others in similar situations, this seems fairly normal.  Just try to go slow and don’t feel like you need to force excessive amounts of water down as this can result in other types of issues. Drinking excessive amounts of water can result in a condition called hyponatremia which happens when we drink so much water that the concentration of sodium or other minerals in our bodies gets too low.  Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headache, confusion, loss of energy, restlessness, muscle weakness, and can even progress into seizures or coma. If you begin to suffer from these symptoms, simply stop drinking and wait and your body will utilize the excess water in your system and everything will rebalance naturally.

So again, as always, go at whatever pace is comfortable to you.

Healthy adult kidneys can process about 1 liter or 1 quart per hour at most, so exceeding this rate of consumption is not useful.

Ideally we sip and keep water throughout us throughout the day.

I recommend getting a large water bottle. I use a one gallon tank that I fill once or twice a day and lug around with me everywhere I go.

These days I also really prefer to get in most of my water in the mornings.  I usually wake up anywhere from 6-8 a.m., and I refill my gallon every morning right after waking if it wasn’t full from the night before.  I like to try to get a whole gallon in before my first meal of the day, which is usually somewhere between 12 noon and 2 p.m.  This way I can just sip water the rest of the day in between meals without feeling any pressure to try to stay ahead of dehydration.

Addendum / Clarification from Sam Kovalyov and Lauren Whiteman

Sam: Water helps keep our extracellular fluid hydrated and mobile so it can transport nutrients to where they are needed, when they are needed… intracellular fluid is best affected by the water from fruits and veggies because it has minerals in it that give it different physical properties from plain drinking water… toxins get recycled into our digestive system and back into our extracellular fluid over and over again until they are broken down enough to be eliminated by the kidneys or mixed with enough fiber in the digestive system that they make it to our colon for elimination… either way, water is a necessary component to this process… cellular hydration is a result of a fully hydrated extracellular environment, as the ECF will pull water from the cells if it is lacking, and since fruits and veggies contain substances in them besides water, they do not help to dilute and remove old toxins from the system as readily as plain water does. It is a currency that is spent in the detox process and thus gets to be replenished. As the need for detox goes down, so does our need for water, and the body communicates this to us with subtle signs of discomfort when drinking water, which should tell us that we’ve had enough to drink, just as we eat food until we feel subtle signs of discomfort, which tell us we have eaten enough food for now.

Lauren: We have always had the same position on water. All humans today require water because they have old waste compacted in their bowels. 1-2 gallons per day. Humans are not physiologically designed to drink water, but we are also not physiologically designed to eat cooked foods, so when we make the mistake of eating inappropriate foods we must counter that by replenishing the water lost via the cooking and digestion processes. We do not have a drinking anatomy because our anatomy was designed for fruits, but when we put in anything other than our ideal foods we must replenish that water to heal.

Reader Q&A

Dry Fasting


Are there benefits to extended dry fasting? It seems really quite dangerous to me, especially since I live in a hot climate and very quickly feel the effects of not drinking sufficient water. I would think it would put unnecessary strain on the kidneys/elimination organs to not be properly hydrated.


Dry fasting is an all-too-common practice in the natural health community.  Dry fasting and restricting water intake is not a health practice and goes against what we know is necessary to heal.   The conditions of disease in our body are largely due to chronic dehydration from eating cooked and processed foods.  One of the main goals of the natural species-appropriate diet is to rehydrate the body and rehydrate the lymph system so the body can eliminate old waste and toxins.   Dry fasting is not a part of natural hygiene and is not and should not be considered safe for any length of time.

Dry fasting and restricting water intake is not a health practice and goes against what we know is necessary to heal. Share on X

Dry fasting is extremely dangerous and can be damaging to the body. Acid wastes damage tissues and when we dry fast those acids become more and more concentrated. This means the waste will damage the kidneys and bladder on the way out if they are not diluted sufficiently. 

The body uses water to dilute the acids and protect the tissues as the acidic material is carried out of the body. When we dry fast we rob the body of that water that is necessary to facilitate the safe removal of acidic waste and toxins. 

The solution to pollution is dilution. Share on X

This, very sadly, seems to be why we have seen well-known dry-fasting raw food advocates die quite young in the last few years. For all of the positive changes they are making with eating the correct foods they are undermining their health by neglecting their water intake.

If you were fed only the natural human diet from birth the body still would not benefit from the extra work created by dry fasting. Water is the universal solvent. It dilutes acids and keeps our whole system flowing efficiently. Our lymph system is a thick fluid that becomes easily clogged and bogged down when we become dehydrated. But most people are already starting out in a state of chronic dehydration from years of eating cooked and processed foods. We are also living in unnatural environments with forced air heating and cooling that further dehydrates our bodies. Most people have anywhere from 10 to 25 pounds of old dried-out fecal matter impacted to the walls of their digestive tract. All of this requires water to move and expel.

People often confuse more with better and the same is true for dry fasting. People think that because they have more visible sediment after dry fasting that the body cleaned out more debris. The reality is the body didn’t clean more, the sediment is just more concentrated because the body is more dehydrated. There is less urine because there is less water, and the waste matter is more concentrated.  

Disease is predominantly the result of dehydration, so any practice which further dehydrates us pushes us further into disease and leads to a shorter lifespan and more damage to the organs.

Dehydration can also result in mental confusion and delirium which can further impair our ability to heal and maintain healthy habits.

Unfortunately, within the natural foods community, there seems to be some confusion that is driving people to take on dry fasting or to believe it is a healthy practice. In nature, all frugivores drink from streams and ponds on a regular and consistent basis. Our anatomy is not set up to drink heavily, like a dog that can lap water easily, because our natural foods supply us with a lot of water. But we still find all the bonobos, chimps, and other apes drink from streams regularly and consistently. Sadly, many years ago we did not have this data and it was simply assumed that because it had not been witnessed, it did not occur. This is where the idea of frugivorous animals not drinking water came from. It was an erroneous and premature conclusion based on a lack of evidence.  

This then led to some in the natural health community declaring that we humans do not need to drink water. That we can get all of our water from our food.   The problem with this concept is that while watery fruits and salad greens are water-rich, the amount of excess water they provide beyond what is required for proper digestion and elimination is limited.   In order for a food to move unobstructed through the digestive tract it needs to be roughly 80% water.  This is water that must be retained with the food to ensure an easy exit at the other end.   This means fruit needs to be significantly higher than 80% water in order to provide us with excess water which our bodies can use to rehydrate chronic issues.  If we accept the contemporary figure that watermelon is about 92% water, then eating 10 pounds of watermelon only nets us about 1 pound of water, or about 16 ounces.  However, with a little practice, we can easily drink well over a gallon of water, which is just over 8 pounds of water, in a single day. 

We need water to help replenish our sweat, lubricate and move our lymphatic system, move out waste through our kidneys and bowels, digest and assimilate food, and move our blood, muscles, and nerves.  Demand for water within our bodies is high.  On a hot day working in the sun, you could easily sweat out a half gallon or a gallon of water over several hours. It would be impossible to replenish that on just fruits and salads even if you were eating only the highest water-content fruits.   The math simply does not add up.  

Based on my personal experience helping thousands of people heal over the years and healing myself I recommend drinking a minimum of 1 gallon (approximately 4 liters) of water per day if you are eating fully raw and drinking 2-3 gallons of water if you are eating cooked foods.   This is the amount where we see people consistently thriving.   

Water intake should also be adjusted upwards if you are exercising heavily, spending time out in the sun or in the heat, or any other activity that dehydrates the body.   Consuming dried fruits, nuts and seeds should also have us increasing our water intake to balance their low water content as needed.    

If you are not currently drinking enough water you can start increasing gradually by adding one quart of water to your current consumption and repeating this weekly until you reach 1-1.5 gallons.   My personal habit is to fill 4-quart jars each day.  I drink the first jar immediately upon rising, the second jar between 8 am and 10 am, the third right before my first meal which is typically around 12 noon to 2 pm, and then finish my 4th jar before dinner.    Others find it easier to use a gallon-sized water bottle that they carry with them throughout the day or a half-gallon bottle.   Either way, the larger the bottle, glass, or jar you keep in front of you, the more likely you will be to get in adequate water.   While it was initially a struggle to get in 1 gallon per day, I now find that I easily drink closer to 1.5 gallons and feel less optimal if I drink less than 1 gallon.  

One objection we commonly hear is, “I’m not thirsty.”   The issue with this is that when we become chronically dehydrated our thirst impulse can become unreliable and it can be difficult to tell whether we are thirsty or hungry.  Most people confuse thirst with hunger and eat instead of drinking.   Some people are so dehydrated that they can no longer get any real sense of thirst or they no longer recognize what thirst feels like.   In our support group, we consistently find that those who stick with the 1-gallon goal have their thirst impulse return within a few weeks and can easily drink 1-gallon after that point without having to put in much effort.   

Another common objection is that drinking more means urinating more, and while I can certainly understand the inconvenience this may pose in some working conditions we must keep in mind that urinating is one way we eliminate waste.  When we start to supply additional water the body will quickly start moving out excess waste so it is no longer damaging the cells internally.   This short-term inconvenience means long-term health, so while it can be annoying it is a small price to pay to return to better health.

Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? I offer consultations, learn more about them here: https://www.therawkey.com/consultations/

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group: New Groups start on the 1st of every month!  https://www.therawkey.com/terrain-diet-support-group/

Eat fruit and be well my friends. 

Why do Natural Hygienists Drink Distilled Water?

and how much water should we be drinking?

The distillation process removes chemicals, toxins, and inorganic minerals.   Most people understand that we don’t want to be drinking toxic chemicals but few understand the importance of not overloading the body with inorganic minerals.   Inorganic minerals are minerals that are in rock form, this is contrasted to organic minerals which are found in fruits and vegetables and which are utilized by the body.  Our bodies require organic minerals and are injured by inorganic minerals.   I recently wrote an article on the effects of inorganic minerals on the body and how they lead to a slow petrifaction (turning to stone) of the body. You can read that article here:  https://www.therawkey.com/the-slow-petrifaction-of-the-body-from-inorganic-mineral-consumption/   

“What we as scientists and the public have never realized is that minerals collected in the body from water are all inorganic minerals, which cannot be assimilated (digested) by the body. The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals (from fruits and vegetables). All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be disposed of or eliminated.” “Distilled water then is water of the purest kind. It is odorless, colorless and tasteless. The divine purpose of water is to act as a solvent. In nature, water in evaporation is so fine that your eye cannot perceive it as it is drawn up into the clouds. Then it falls as rain, keeping the earth from being parched and burned. As a solvent, it dissolves rocks and soil. It figures in the transport of nutrients into plant life. In the human body, water fills similar functions. …Distilled water acts as a solvent in the body. It dissolves food substances so they can be assimilated and taken into every cell. It dissolves inorganic mineral substances lodged in tissues of the body so that such substances can be eliminated in the process of purifying the body. Distilled water is the greatest solvent on earth —the only one that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues.” 

The less inorganic minerals we can put into our bodies, the less burden our bodies are under, but there is an added benefit to distilled water that most people don’t think about.  An early proponent of the science of Natural Hygiene, C.W. Delacy Evans explains why distilled water is superior to all other waters for humans as follows: 

“Used as a drink, distilled water is absorbed directly into the blood, the solvent properties of which it increases to such an extent that it will keep in solution salts already existing in the blood, prevent their undue deposit in various organs and structures, favor their elimination by the various excreta, and tend to remove these earthy compounds which have already accumulated in the body… There is no doubt as to the high value of distilled water used freely as a retarder of the ossifying conditions which appear to constitute the conditions of old age.” 

If you have ever put sugar into a glass of water you know that water can only hold so much material before some settle out.   If we keep adding sugar eventually the water becomes saturated and no matter how much we stir there will still be sugar in the bottom of the glass.  Minerals in water take up space in the water and the water reaches a point of saturation.   Distilled water, being free from any minerals is then free to pick up inorganic minerals as it travels through the body.  Since it is not already saturated in minerals it is free to absorb these harmful substances.  It is also not going to be depositing any inorganic minerals in our tissues if it doesn’t contain any to start with.  This means distilled water is the only water clean enough to remove the inorganic harmful minerals which make us age faster and become stiff over time.  

Water is used in every elimination process, from our kidneys and bowels to our skin and lungs.  Chronic dehydration limits the expulsion of waste, slowing down our healing processes and keeping us backed up with waste. 

“It may safely be taught that THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY PURE WATER IS THAT PURIFIED BY DISTILLATION. Instruct the public how distillation can readily and cheaply be done. It furnishes a fruitful yield for the genius that will devise a small distilling apparatus for the use of every family. It would be safe to teach that the GENEROUS USE OF PURE WATER both within and without the body has never yet done any harm; that the functional ailments that affect the great host of mankind, are in a great part due to the fact of the imperfect elimination of waste matter, and that GENEROUS LIBATIONS OF PURE DISTILLED WATER is a most potent agent TO FLUSH THEM FROM THE BODY, through the skin, the lungs, the kidneys and the bowels. The diseases caused by impure water are numerous and fatal.” —Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds, M.D., Health Commissioner of Chicago

 “You should DRINK AT LEAST ONE GALLON of distilled water a day. Most of us drink only at mealtime and when we’re noticeably thirsty. Wrong. You can develop a habit of NOT drinking water and walk around being 66 or 67 percent water, instead of 74 percent, which is what your body needs. When you don’t have the water in you, you won’t ever have the energy you need. The very first thing I do to get people’s energy up is to increase the amount of water in their diet. Immediately, their energy goes up. When someone has dementia, the first thing I do is give them lots of cold water all day, every day. About three weeks later, I start to see their dementia dissipate because they have rehydrated their brains. Unfortunately, your brain actually shrinks as you dehydrate. By DRINKING LOTS OF PURE DISTILLED WATER, you get better neuron activity and better cellular chemistry, and you’re able to detoxify the cells with water. Water has to be pure, free from fluoride, chlorine, and chemicals, which is why I recommend DISTILLED water. To achieve optimum health, I recommend that you DRINK A HALF GALLON TO ONE FULL GALLON PER DAY.” — Dr. Gary Null, Ph.D., from, “Gary Null’s Ultimate Anti-Aging Program,” 

” …it is important that we GIVE TO THE BODY A SUFFICIENT QUANTITY OF DISTILLED WATER in order that the blood may be kept in its normal fluid condition, and the disease-producing effete matter eliminated. THERE IS NO CLEANSING AGENT AS IMPORTANT AS WATER, not only for the exterior of the body, but for the interior from the crown of the head to the soles of the feet. It is a simple matter to drink a glass of water, yet the results of the act are marvelous. A very small portion of it enters the intestines, but by far the larger quantity is absorbed into the blood and enters immediately into the circulation of this life-giving fluid.” “ONE IS ALMOST DRIVEN, if he be particular as to his water supply, TO THE USE OF DISTILLED WATER.” — Bernarr Macfadden, from Macfadden’s Encyclopedia of Physical Culture, 1911. 

Quantity and quality are both of the utmost importance in keeping our bodies young, lean, and flexible and to avoid us slowly turning to stone.  Water in fruits is distilled by the plant.  The plant pulls the inorganic minerals from the soil and converts them into organic minerals in the fruit and leaves.  The only source of minerals we should be consuming is those supplied by the plants we eat.   Cooking plants changes the structure of the minerals again, causing them to be unusable by the body and contributing to the slow turning to stone of our bodies.  

“By using succulent fruits and vegetables in scurvy, or acidosis, MUCH DISTILLED WATER IS FURNISHED THE BODY WITH WHICH TO FLUSH OUT THE ACCUMULATED PUTRESCENCE. Fruit and vegetables contain over ninety percent water.” — Dr. J. H. Tilden, M.D., from IMPAIRED HEALTH, ITS CAUSE AND CURE: A Repudiation of the Conventional Treatment of Disease

As most humans on earth have been assaulting their bodies with salt, an inorganic mineral and many of us have been duped into taking in supplements filled with inorganic minerals and we all eat cooked foods there is no doubt that we all have an abundance of inorganic minerals that our bodies would love to eliminate.   The more distilled water we provide, the more the body can eliminate these and eliminate any calcifications or mineralization of the tissues.  


Distillation is a process where water is boiled and then condensed leaving the minerals behind in the original container and only clean pure water in the new container. The process mimics nature, the sun evaporates, and clean water condenses in the clouds, and then it rains back down.  Unfortunately, today we have so much debris from air pollution in the air that rain catches all of that on its way down, so rainwater is not clean.   In our homes, this can be accomplished manually by boiling water on the stove and then using something to catch the steam and direct it into a sealable glass container for storage.  The far easier option is to have a countertop distiller (like this https://amzn.to/3JENZO4)  which produces 4 liters of distilled water in a few hours just by flipping a switch.   The important things to look for in a countertop distiller is stainless steel and glass containers to hold the water and the finished water vessel should be sealable to keep out any airborne impurities that can be deposited into the water. 

Reverse osmosis filters get the same end result as a distiller but using a different process.   In reverse osmosis filtration, we are pushing water through multiple filters.  Each progressive filter has a smaller, microscopic mesh that the water alone can push through and the larger minerals get left on the other side of the mesh.   Reverse osmosis systems (like this one: https://amzn.to/3jsm5dh )  can be installed on your kitchen sink as a convenient way to have fresh, clean, distilled water at all times.   

There are a few pros and cons to each system.  With a distiller most only process one gallon at a time.  If you live alone that might be fine, but if you forget to run it you will be waiting for water to drink.  It would be best to have a separate container to store the water in so you can have multiple gallons available.   If you live in a household with multiple people who are striving to stay hydrated at 1-2 gallons per day, the countertop distiller becomes problematic.  The distiller requires regular cleaning and wastes very little water. 

The reverse osmosis systems typically come with a 3-gallon or larger storage tank that continually refills.  If you use all 3 gallons at once it takes a few hours to refill but most people will be taking off a quart or a half gallon at a time and the tank will simply keep topping itself off.   The downside to reverse osmosis is the need to change the filters regularly – most are 3 months and 6 months.  Another downside to the reverse osmosis filter is that they waste water, on average they use 2 gallons to produce one gallon which is much improved over the older models that were 4 or 5 to 1.  There are also low-waste models that are a bit more expensive but that is an option if it is something you are concerned about. 


Our kidneys can process roughly one quart of water per hour.  Drinking more than 1 quart in an hour can put a strain on the kidneys.    

Sipping or gulping?  We should drink to our own comfort.  Sometimes that means just sipping and other times that means gulping.   Often in the mornings when I first arise I will gulp down a full quart of water in a few minutes.   The rest of the day I will tend to drink more slowly.    If you are drinking too much too quickly your body will tell you by creating discomfort in the stomach and nausea.  If you feel nausea simply stop drinking and give your body a few hours to process the water you put in before you drink any more.  

When fasting we can often get an upset stomach or nauseous if we drink too much too quickly, so it’s often best to sip water when fasting or drink more slowly but consistently across the whole day. 


If you drink a 1-quart jar as soon as you wake up. Drink a second in the first 2-3 hours in the morning, drink a 3rd just before lunchtime, and a 4th before dinner you will have drank a gallon each day.


Most people’s biggest concern with drinking more water is how many times they will have to pee in a day.    When we first start drinking more water there are two reasons that the body will start eliminating more frequently.  The first is that the more water we provide the more waste the body can eliminate.  The body wants to catch up on the backlog so when we first start drinking more the body has a greater urgency to eliminate frequently.  The wastes coming out are acidic and burn the cells of the kidneys and bladder so the body often wants to eliminate them urgently and we may find that we are running to the bathroom rather than walking.  

The second reason is the more dehydrated the body is, the more it rejects water at first.   If you have ever forgotten to water your plants you have seen this evidenced.  If you try to put water into very dry soil the water runs right out the bottom of the pot very quickly.  The soil remains dry and the water just keeps running through.  You have to keep repeatedly watering until it starts to absorb.  The same is true of our bodies.  We need to keep watering until we start to absorb.   

Setting realistic expectations, most people eating the natural diet will urinate more often throughout the day than when eating cooked foods.  This is how the body is supposed to function.  We are supposed to eliminate waste frequently so it is not stuck inside causing damage.   Some eating cooked foods are so chronically dehydrated that they might only urinate once or twice in a 24-hour period.   Normal should be somewhere between 7 and 12 times per day, and while we are detoxing heavily we might be closer to 15 or even 20 times if the body wants to eliminate urgently.   

If you are working a job that limits your access to a bathroom you may need to do a little planning when you first start increasing your water intake.  Drinking first thing in the morning before you start your morning routine will allow the water to be processed in the first hour of the day before you head off to work.  Typically we urinate within the hour of drinking, but each person is different so testing things out on the weekends is a good way to manage the work week.  Also, slowly increasing over several weeks will allow you to better manage when limited potty breaks are available.   

Making changes to our habits can always be tricky and require a bit of discipline or planning but increasing your water intake and drinking distilled water is well worth the trouble. The benefits to our health are innumerable. On that note, I shall leave you with a few more quotes about the benefits of distilled water to inspire you to push through and get rehydrated.

 “DISTILLED WATER IS ’empty’ water – a hungry water, A WATER CAPABLE OF ABSORBING BODY POISONS. You have had the experience of trying to use an old post office blotter on the desk. Everybody has used it and it is so full of ink that it will not suck up any more. So it is with a ‘full’ water, a water full of chlorine, aluminum, etc. Such water does not have the capacity of absorbing body impurities.” —Dr. Charles McFerrin, writing in the July 1955 issue of Nature’s Path 

“The late Dr. Lambe, of London, was so thoroughly convinced of the IMPORTANCE OF THE PUREST WATER in the treatment of Cancers, Scrofula, and Cachexias generally, that HE RESTRICTED HIS PATIENTS TO THE USE OF DISTILLED WATER. And his success was remarkable.” — from Herald of Health, Volume 2, in the article, “The Hygiean Home” by Russell T. Trall, M.D. 

 “The greatest damage done by inorganic minerals (hard)—plus waxy cholesterol and salt—is to the small arteries and other blood vessels of the brain (75% water). Hardening of the arteries and calcification of blood vessels starts on the day you start taking inorganic chemicals (and minerals from tap water) into our bodies.”

“WHEN DISTILLED WATER ENTERS THE BODY, IT LEAVES NO RESIDUE OF ANY KIND. It is free of salts and sodium. It is the most perfect water for the healthy functioning of the kidneys (83% water). It is the perfect liquid for the blood (83% water), the ideal liquid for the efficient functioning of the lungs (86% water), stomach, liver (85% water) and other vital organs. Why? Because it is free of all inorganic minerals. IT IS SO PURE THAT ALL LIQUID DRUG PRESCRIPTIONS ARE FORMULATED WITH DISTILLED WATER.” — Dr. Paul Bragg, N.D. Ph.T., from “The Shocking Truth About Water” 

“A frequent development while fasting is a dislike for water. This is particularly true if the water is “hard”. “HARD WATER” that, while one is eating, tastes pleasant enough, IS REJECTED BY THE SHARPENED SENSE OF TASTE. IN SUCH CASES WE FIND THE USE OF DISTILLED WATER, TO BE SATIFACTORY.” — Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, N.D., from The Science and Fine Art of Fasting, The Hygienic System: Vol. III

"Old age is not an inevitable condition; It is an accidental state caused by ignorance and wrong living."


Most people think it is natural and normal to get stiff and sore as we get older. We accept as a normal factor of the passing years slowing down and having difficulty moving, walking, running, or even standing. This sad state of affairs is certainly common, but this is decidedly not normal.   

Our bodies are designed to remain loose and limber as we age, to carry us along gracefully to a bare minimum of 120 years of age without pain, stiffness, or weakness.   Based on historical records and common lifespans of mammals we should be living closer to 150-160 years with some evidence even suggesting a natural lifespan of 200 years, but the damage done generation to generation has severely shortened our current longevity.   Today we are impressed if a loved one makes it to 80 or 90 years and we accept that some among us won’t even survive to retirement.  We accept that after 40 we will pull muscles, after 50 we will groan getting up off the couch, by 60 or 70 we may end up with a cane or a walker to keep us upright.  

We will have chronic daily pain, poor posture, difficulty sleeping, and feeling tired all day and awake all night.   This is a sad state that we have pushed the human body to but it is completely avoidable and we can correct this easily by correcting the common mistakes of living we are all making.  The slow stiffening of the body year after year is a result of the dietary mistakes we are making and those can be changed to avoid the pain and suffering and even reverse its course if you are already suffering.

“When a piece of wood is immersed for a period in certain mineral waters, the wood cells thru a chemical action similar to that observed in electro-plating, are replaced by molecules of minerals, and petrifaction ensues. In petrified wood, the form and markings of the original are distinctly seen. At rare intervals surgeons find a human kidney that has actually become petrified-a stone kidney -and sometimes in post mortem examinations veins are found which are brittle, and which crumble at the touch. In old age the various organs are partly petrified -ossified is the term used in the textbooks. But petrifaction is the proper term. The cells of the muscles, arteries, etc., are not replaced by osseous deposits, but by mineral matter.”

“Suggestion is now mainly responsible for keeping the limit of life at about eighty years. For thousands of years man has been taught that he would die at about the age of 70; consequently when in the neighborhood of this age, man begins to look for death-to expect death-to believe in death-and he is never disappointed. The mineral salt deposits in the body commence to manifest themselves between 40 and 50 years of age. These salts are derived mainly from ordinary drinking water, altho[ugh] cereals contribute their share. The presence of an excess of lime retards the functions of all organs; all processes are hindered; the various bodily systems act slowly; this favors the additional deposits of more salts. The functions of the organs are still more restricted. We say the man is “aging rapidly.” As the body becomes weaker the organs become weaker, and mineral deposits quickly accumulate. The victim is rapidly becoming petrified. All organs are clogged; the vital powers are lowered, and as the petrifaction proceeds, death approaches; finally the muscles of the heart become so dense that their elasticity is gone and death ends all. When one dies from “old age,” he dies because his body is partially turned to stone. If we can keep the percentage of water in the body at 80 or 85, we will never die of old age. To maintain the proper proportion of aqueous elements in the system, no liquids but distilled water should be used for drinking or cooking; and furthermore, foods containing a high percentage of mineral salts, as cereals, should be eaten sparingly. When the ideal hygienic race conditions prevail, man will live on distilled water, nuts and fruits; and he will understand the art of mastication; he will breath pure air twenty-four hours out of the day; he will spend many hours daily in the sunshine; he will take enough exercise to keep the body supple, and his mind will be free from worry, care and anxiety; he will not expect death at any particular year or time, nor will he think ·about dying; children will not read the deadly suggestion about “three score and ten years,” and they will be taught how to build and mould the body by mental processes; all suggestions will be for health, strength and vigor. Bulletins from the bedside will be abolished, and “drugs” will exist only in the dictionaries of. the antiquarian.”  – Elmer Ellsworth Carey “Distilled Water and Longevity” 

“Old age is not an inevitable condition; it is an accidental state caused by ignorance and wrong living.”

When we consume mineral-laden waters, table salt, sea salt, Himalayan salt, supplement tablets containing inorganic minerals, or any other source of inorganic minerals, including cooked foods, we start the process of ossification which slowly turns our bodies to stone, inhibiting the function of our organs.   The body cannot digest or metabolize inorganic substances so they are instead deposited into our tissues until they can be eliminated.  

One way we can visualize this for ourselves is the towel test.   Take a towel and soak the towel in salt water.  Allow the towel to dry.   Upon drying you will note that the towel is now brittle and stiff.  This same stiffening and hardening of the tissues, muscles, and organs occur when we ingest inorganic salts and other inorganic substances at a rate that the body cannot eliminate. 

“Inorganic materials cannot be utilized; they clog up our bodies if not eliminated, and they combine with body fluids, oils, compounds and wastes and form substances that cake our vascular system. They are deposited in our joints and muscles, interstitial spaces, organs and lymphatic system. Both deranged foods, that is, those that have been cooked and processed, and impure water contain inorganic minerals, which are harmful to our organism.” – T.C.Fry Life Science Course Lesson 3

The unusable inorganic minerals combine with cholesterol and form plaques that get deposited in the veins and arteries, causing blockages.   They get deposited into the cranial cavity where lost brain cells are filled in with minerals leading to ossification of the brain, causing senility.  The inorganic minerals lead to kidney and gallstone formation, hardening of the arteries, arthritis, heart conditions, and other serious conditions.  In our joints, the accumulation of toxins weakens and irritates the tissues in the joint, degenerating the cartilage.  Then through a process of ossification the body deposits mineral salts into the joints, replacing the cartilage, these mineral deposits harden leading to the fusion of the joints.

“It has been suggested that the different stages of life—from infancy to old age—are just differences in the state of ossification of the body parts. The major difference in body tissues between youth and old age is the greater rigidity and toughness of tissues in advanced age.”

Our mistakes in living – consuming cooked foods, taking supplements, drinking hard waters filled with minerals, consuming salt and other inorganic minerals, and keeping the body in a chronic state of dehydration all work together to break down the tissues and replace them with mineral deposits, leading to a hardening of the body over time.  Stop the progress of slow and painful degeneration and hardening of the tissues by returning to the natural diet of water-rich, raw whole fruits, tender leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and tender vegetables.  Drink plenty of distilled or reverse osmosis water, get exercise, sunshine, and fresh air daily and watch the clock roll back on aging. Today is the day to take back your health and age gracefully. 

Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? We offer consultations here: https://www.therawkey.com/consultations/

Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group: New Groups start on the 1st of every month!  https://www.therawkey.com/terrain-diet-challenge/

Eat fruit and be well my friends. ?