The following is part 14 of a 14-part post series on the nature and purpose of disease. If you prefer to watch a video on the subject see our presentation “The Seven Stages of Disease” available at the bottom of the page.
T.C Fry on the nature and purpose of disease:
In order to understand disease, we must understand health. Health is the enjoyment of full faculties and functioning power. Disease is not the opposite of health but an expression of healthy vitality while under the burden of toxicosis. Disease is a body-instituted and conducted crisis for the purpose of purifying and repairing itself.
Disease is caused by indulging in practices or being subjected to materials and influences not normal to the human organism: that to which we are not adapted will cause disease.
It is a misconception that we have to fight disease. It will not occur unless it is caused. A huge catalog of materials and influences which are abnormal to the body could be given, but it’s not that complicated. We need only to maintain the simple needs of life which build and sustain health. We should consume only pure water as thirst demands and wholesome raw ripe fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds as genuine hunger dictates. We are frugivores, and it is to a diet of fruits as nature delivers them that we are biologically adapted.
Further, we are adapted to pure air, sunshine, rest and sleep, pleasant environment, emotionally balanced companions – in short we are adapted to a harmonious world. We are so constituted that health results when all our physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, and aesthetic needs are met. Thus diseases other than degenerative ones may be said to be body crises for the purpose of restoring health.
The cause, purpose, and nature of disease have now been delineated. Certain questions will be explained below.
STUDENT: Is it true that diseases are not contagious in any sense?
INSTRUCTOR: That is correct. Diseases are not contagious in any sense simply because they are body instituted. We cannot transfer our toxic load to someone else. That should be self-evident. A Hygienist can go into a sickroom and not suffer a bit for it. Obviously most physicians and nurses and other people go to the sickrooms, even those housing the most so-called contagious diseases. They never contract the disease or suffer even though on occasion medics claim they do. You cannot transfer your toxic materials to another person unless you have it drawn out of you and injected into the person. The medics do, indeed, do that in transfusions. But the contagion here is medically induced rather than occurring within the realm of natural possibilities.
It is said that colds, flu, leprosy, and a number of other things are contagious. As we learn more, diseases become less and less contagious. Asthma, cancer, psoriasis, meningitis, poliomyelitis and a long list of other diseases have come off the contagious list. Measles, chicken pox, and other affections are still on the list of diseases said to be contagious. The only thing contagious about these diseases is medical ignorance. That is the most contagious of all.
The reason that there seems to be “epidemics” is that the true contagion is an epidemic of similar bad habits. We all eat pretty much the same junk, are subjected to the same seasons, the same type of housing and, in many other ways, indulge the same health-sapping practices. It’s no wonder that many of us suffer the same diseases. Like causes beget like effects. Of course this is modified in the human situation by the diathesis of each individual.
Thus we see that, within the context of a given family or group, people have more or less the same bad habits and suffer the same diseases.
This business about incubation periods of germs and viruses is strictly medical mythology. We’ll get into the depths of that and study it methodically in later lessons.
To what are plagues and epidemics attributed? Today’s epidemics are for the most part invented and publicized in America by the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia. It is a federal service that does yeoman service for the medical profession. When the drug companies want to sell lots of flu vaccine, measles vaccine, etc. they get CDC to release the scare propaganda that stampedes the public into the physicians’ offices for shots. To entertain the thought that vaccines injected into people makes them immune is an absurdity not worthy of serious consideration—it is a species of voodooism.
Epidemics today result, I reassure you, from mass indulgence of the same bad habits and subjection to the same pathogenic living conditions. It’s no accident that almost 90% of the affections labeled generally as colds and influenza occur within a seven-month period of the year.
The reason epidemics occur in winter and not in summer should be obvious. If anything, microbial life is more active in summer just as we are and their functions are depressed in winter. But lo and behold, microbial forms of life are said to be more active and to cause epidemics. That’s nonsense of course. In the winter we eat less wholesome food—we eat more junk. We do not exercise as much. We stay indoors and breathe foul air. In the summer we get more sunshine, more exercise, more fresh air, fresh ripe fruits—in short we live more healthfully in summer and less healthfully in winter. Conditions cause us to so live as to generate our diseases. General conditions cause general ill health. It is not contagion of germs but contagion of pathogenic conditions that create what are termed plagues or epidemics.
Hygienists or Life Scientists deplore the medical practice of feeding the ailing and drugging them too. When ill, the continuance of feeding alone is enough to thwart the healing forces within. But the addition of drugs so destroys vital powers that the body must often redirect its purification efforts to freeing itself from the more virulent poisons administered. Thus it is seen that medical professionals are death-dealing rather than being life-enhancing.
Yes, drugs kill bacteria. But they’re just as deadly to all forms of metabolic life. That which deranges and destroys the metabolic functions of bacteria usually does likewise to the cells of all forms of life. Even physicians will tell you that drugs have no effect on viruses. Of course they don’t have any effect on what they call viruses because that is dead cell debris that can’t be made any deader.
In conclusion I assure you that disease is not something to fear. That’s like being scared of your own body. If you fear anything fear your disposition to indulge in unwholesome foods and unwholesome living conditions.
Excerpt from:
Life Science Course LESSON 2 – The Nature and Purpose of Disease – Download the full PDF of this lesson
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Eat fruit, get rest, and be well my friends.
Go back to the beginning of the series: Part 1 or watch a presentation on the subject here:
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I appreciate your deep work but am curious about how to you address acute symptoms, some which can cause death, like asthma attacks or very high fevers?
It is actually misinformation that the body can create a fever high enough to damage the body. Damage and death occur from the application of poisons to the body when the body is trying to clean and heal. When the body has created a fever it has done so because it is suffering from acute poisoning. To add additional poison to the body, or even food to the body at this time is to gamble with the life of the individual. The body has a basic biological mandate for survival. This means the body itself will never create a symptom that will damage or destroy the body. It is only when we work against the bodies self directed healing processes that the risk of death from poisoning becomes an issue.
Asthma is not an acute disease, it is a chronic disease. Asthma is a neurological condition. An asthma “attack” is handled properly by sitting calmly and relaxing. Applying additional poison to the body to stop the “attack” only seeks to keep the patient in a state of chronic disease. A sick body never benefits from having additional poisons to contend with when it is already struggling.
Healing is not about making all the mistakes and then looking for a solution when the body is in an acute condition. Healing is about removing the cause of the acute and the chronic conditions so that they never occur again. An asthmatic who corrects their diet is no longer an asthmatic. Asthma attacks have to be actively caused. In fact, all disease labels must be actively caused. They do not come upon us out of the blue. The body is always seeking to return itself to perfect natural function. This means in order to keep disease present in the body we have to be continuously causing the disease conditions to exist. We cannot create disease and then keep it, we have to work hard to keep it. Natural Hygiene and the terrain model are about stopping creating the disease conditions, not about treating them as treating is a fallacy. No cure for disease can ever be created because disease must be caused. Remove the cause and you remove the existence of the conditions of disease. Don’t remove the cause and the conditions of disease remain or grow progressively worse.