The practical application of Natural Hygiene consists of many practices that, collectively, comprise biologically correct living. Specifically:
- Eat predominantly of fresh raw fruits, [tender] vegetables, nuts and seeds;
- Eat predominantly of raw, live food;
- Learn and apply the rules of food combing to insure efficient and easy digestion;
- Eat foods at room temperature;
- Chew thoroughly to maximize surface area of the food for complete digestion;
- Eat when relaxed; and
- Eat only when hungry.
- Cook or overcook food – past 120 degrees, nutrients are destroyed;
- Overeat;
- Eat when emotionally unsettled, when tired, when in pain, or immediately after hard physical work;
- Salt or overly season foods; or
- Eat many strong-tasting foods including hot peppers, garlic, onions mustard, etc.
- Drink only distilled (soft) water;
- Drink only when thirsty; and
- Drink only enough to quench thirst.
- Drink with your meals.
- Get as much fresh air as possible;
- Allow for maximum ventilation when indoors;
- Walk on streets that have less vehicular traffic and exhaust; and
- Make sure indoor air is free of sprays, circulating dust, etc.
- Breath through your mouth;
- Inhale tobacco [or any other] smoke;
- Permit smoking in your home or office; or
- Breathe excessively cold air (if possible).
- Exercise vigorously;
- Involve all parts of the body, preferably exercising the muscles against resistance; and
- Exercise in fresh air (or if indoors, with windows open).
- Exercise to the point of exhaustion;
- Exercise immediately following a meal;
- Prolong muscular contractions beyond a few seconds; and
- Breathe deeply without simultaneously remaining active.
- Cease activity sometime during the day by napping or resting;
- Close your eyes; and
- Rest when tired.
- Read or watch television while resting.
- Go to bed early;
- Select a dark, quiet, well ventilated room; and
- Maintain a comfortable body temperature.
- Eat before retiring.
- Expose as much of your skin to sunlight as possible, up to an hour maximum daily;
- Use natural, not artificial light (rays penetrate only white or light colored porous clothing); and
- In cold climates, while indoors, get sunlight through open windows with heater turned on to avoid undue chilling.
- Remain in sunlight for long periods; or
- Expose yourself to the midday sun;
- Find something about which to be happy everyday;
- Feed your emotions daily with inspirational thoughts, pleasant sights and sounds, kind words and the like;
- Keep negative emotions to a minimum; and
- Couple negative emotions (fear, grief, anger, depression, etc.) with physical activity.
- Dwell on the negative.
- Maintain a comfortable temperature at all times; and
- Take excessively hot or cold baths.
- Wear clothes of porous material (cotton); and
- Wear light colored clothing.
- Dress for comfort, not merely for fashion.
- Wear synthetic clothing; or
- Wear constricting clothing (girdles, tight belts, etc.)
- Sit erect at all times; and
- Keep your head straight-up while walking, standing or sitting.
- Pursue some constructive objective; and
- Engage in some activity which gives you fulfillment.
Natural Hygiene does not substitute foods, fasting, sunbathing, etc., for drugs, but it uses these influences because they are essentials of health. Hygienic Self-Health Care peddles no cures and recognizes none. Instead, only nature, meaning those normal influences and processes of life, restore health.
Hygienic Self-Health Care cannot be reduced to a series of rules and regulations that involve absolute terms like “always” or “never.” Each day, however, all of us have to make decisions about how we will live in such a a way that we remain comfortable and relaxed with our lifestyle – and not uptight or fanatical.…
“Power comes by discipline to our natural mandate, and lack of it dissipates strength and life itself.”
Source: “Awakening our Self Healing Body: A Solution to the Health Care Crisis.” Arthur M. Baker
Lauren wrote that herbs cause a burden on the body. While I was following drm I took over 100 + of his herbal formulas & tinctures.
How do these herbal formulas cause a burden on the body & how long might it take to relieve the body of this burden in natural hygiene?
Drm teaches that raw fruits detox the body & salads stop detox. Is it accurate that salads stop a detox?
Herbs are akin to taking a pharmaceutical drug. They are treated by the body as poison, so the body becomes enervated when we take them. The effects of the body taking action to remove the herb are confused with a detoxing effect of the herb. Herbs are inert and can take no action. Therefore all action is created by the body. The increase in elimination processes which is seen after the ingestion of the herb is the body taking action against the herb to remove the herb from the body because the body deems the herb to be harmful.
Salads do not stop detox. Detox is a process that runs 24/7/365 and if it stopped the body would cease to live within seconds. Nothing can speed up or slow down detox processes. Only the body itself controls those processes. We can only control the level of burden we put on the body. Salads are wonderful for helping our bodies heal because they are exceptionally hydrating. They don’t provide an excess of sugar that the body has to deal with. They provide large volumes of alkaline minerals which the body can use to neutralize acids. They sweep the bowels clean helping to improve eliminations and therefore allow more old waste to be eliminated.
A healthy natural diet should include a salad daily and our volume of food should be roughly equally split between sweet fruits and low sugar, savory fruits and leafy greens. One large fruit meal and one large salad meal are the ideal.
Hi Lauren,I have just discovered your wrbpage, for which I am so happy.Have read some of your articles in other natural hugiene groups, and were so fascinated by them. I would like to ask you about an issue that has been bothering me since my early youth.I have an hiperactive/ irritable bladder.I have been changing my life style for some years,slowly but surely getting closer to a more natural way of living.I am 64 & ever since I can remember have needed going to the wc at night,but it has gone steadily worse throughout the years.Now I get up from once to 5 times every night,depending if I am nervous about something or not.My diet includes lots of fresh organic fruits & veg,distilled water, some steam veg,potatoes & sometimes I have eggs,goats raw cheese & less seldom a little fish from clean source,I am trying to stop eating all the animal foods,so slowly I hope to achirve my goal.l have been encouraged by yogui sadhguru, into taking neem leaves & curcuma in powder form first thing in the morning with warm water to clean out the stomach,so far I have not noticed anything.I do not take any other herbs.Do you think I should not take these mix either?
How about saunas?
Colon ckeanse with diatilled & sea water? I know that natural hygiene does not contemplate any therapies,but would this not help to deal with taking out the waste whilst transitioning? I would really appreciate your reply,meanwhile I will read your articles as time permits.
Thank you very much for your time, & for being here.Thank you.
Hi Cristi, All herbs are toxic to the body. They have no ability to speed healing or clean the body. They have no ability to take any action at all. Since all action against all substances is taken by the body itself any action we see is the body ridding itself of the substance because it sees the substance as harmful. Dead things cannot take action, since herbs are not alive they cannot take action. The body heals in spite of the toxic substances being ingested, not because of them.
Our body has senses designed to tell us when a substance is harmful. We respond with varying levels of discomfort when a substance contains a harmful chemical in it. Bitter, sour, salty, spicy are all our body indicating distress. Since all herbs are bitter and you would not be able to eat a meal of the herb because of the discomfort of the taste this is our body telling us that the substance is harmful.
Here is the file on herbs which goes into greater detail on this.
The same for anything marketed as a colon cleanse. Only the body itself can clean the colon or any other part of the body. Ingesting salt water is extremely toxic and results in the body creating diarrhea to expel the toxic substance as rapidly as it can. This leads to a drain of our energy which means the body has far less energy left over to heal and repair itself. Salt is a biocide which damages our cells. It is not safe to consume in any amount but certainly not safe when drank in quantity. Just 56 grams (about 3.5 tablespoons) of salt is the lethal dose for the average 160 pound person.