Heavy Metal Poisoning and Symptom Suppression

Colloidal silver is a beloved magic cure in the natural health world. It is said to be the antidote for every malady from chest congestion to viral infections like the common cold. It is said to boost your immune system and clear up skin conditions. It is reported to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Many people use colloidal silver to cleanse the gut and combat inflammation. One article discussed below even touts colloidal silver as “ANTI-EVERYTHING.” Bronchitis, food poisoning, gonorrhea, meningitis, pink eye, shingles, tuberculosis, staph and strep infections, herpes, cancer, and AIDS all are powerless to the mighty cure-all colloidal silver.
If this list of marketed benefits is not raising your red flag alert then you are likely new to the terrain model. By the end of this article, you will understand why these so called benefits are in fact detrimental to your health.
Central to the terrain model is the understanding that
- All symptoms are created by the body intelligently.
- There are two types of symptoms: constructive and degenerative. Constructive symptoms are an effort to alleviate disease conditions. Degenerative symptoms result from degeneration of the body due to the existing disease conditions.
- Constructive symptoms are remedial. They seek to return the body to a state of health.
- Bacteria in the body are created by and controlled by the body. Bacteria exist in the healthy body with no symptoms of disease present. Bacteria are present at the site of disease conditions because they are part of the healing process initiated by the body, not because they are an outside invading force attacking the body. They cannot be an outside invading force attacking if they exist in a healthy body without causing any symptoms or conditions of disease.
- All actions are taken by the body. Substances are inert and cannot take action, therefore all actions as a result of ingesting a substance are the body acting upon the substance to expel the substance, not the substance acting upon the body.
- We cannot use poison to get back to health.
As we look at this list we can see that the reported benefit of colloidal silver killing bacteria is not a health benefit but a detriment. We can see that the suppression of symptoms by colloidal silver is a detriment, not a benefit, working against the body’s healing processes.
Working against the body’s healing processes
Bacteria are the recycling team of nature, breaking down waste and debris. The bacteria within our body are created by the body and controlled by the body, and found in all healthy bodies, so an antibacterial substance is a substance that kills the bacteria that is your own body’s recycling and waste elimination team. By its most basic nature, an antibacterial substance is injurious to the body.
Silver is a heavy metal.
The term colloidal just means that the particles of silver are so small that they do not settle out of the solution. A substance that has been prepared in a colloidal state does not necessarily make it usable by the body nor does it alter its fundamental properties as a heavy metal. Most people try to avoid heavy metals because we know that metals are hard for the body to remove, and can cross the blood-brain barrier leading to neurological deficits.
“The concept of brain barriers or a brain barrier system embraces the blood–brain interface, referred to as the blood–brain barrier, and the blood–cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) interface, referred to as the blood–CSF barrier. These brain barriers protect the CNS against chemical insults, by different complementary mechanisms. Toxic metal molecules can either bypass these mechanisms or be sequestered in and therefore potentially deleterious to brain barriers. Supportive evidence suggests that damage to blood–brain interfaces can lead to chemical-induced neurotoxicities.” Brain barrier systems: a new frontier in metal neurotoxicological research https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3982148/

Despite our knowledge of the dangers of heavy metals, silver, a heavy metal, is sold as the magical colloidal silver and becomes the exception that is touted as a natural cure instead of the poisonous neurotoxin that it is.
In the terrain model, we know that the body is self-healing and self-cleaning and that symptoms are productive and useful, not random or the result of a war against the body. For this reason, we don’t apply treatments that stop the symptoms as that would result in injury to the body and a cessation of the body’s productive cleaning and healing processes. Instead, we seek to remove the cause of the disease conditions, or injury that is occurring to the body and to allow the body’s healing processes to complete without interference or suppression.
How do we determine if a product is safe or toxic?
When we look at the suitability of applying a substance to the body we want to look at the known effects of that substance. How does the body respond to the application of this product? Does the body respond with expulsion symptoms? Does the body respond with further degeneration? Does the product stop healing processes?

Known side effects of colloidal silver:
Myoclonic seizures
Impaired kidney function
Impaired liver function
Loss of bone density
Discoloration of fingernails
Blue tinge to gums
Ocular argyrosis – a blue-gray pigmentation of the eyes caused by the deposit of silver in the eye.
Argyria – a blue-gray pigmentation of the skin caused by the deposit of silver in the tissues.

“The respiratory tract may be affected in severe cases of silver intoxication. Chronic bronchitis has also been reported to result from the medicinal use of colloidal silver. Large oral doses of silver nitrate or acetate may cause severe gastrointestinal irritation due to its caustic action.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8152497/
The more extreme long-term effects of ingesting and using colloidal silver topically can be seen in this sad case – Paul Karason aka Papa Smurf who passed away in 2013 after years of taking silver supplements.: https://youtu.be/Gq8C0GknwAM

And the sad case of Rosemary Jacobs, 71, who developed the condition argyria at the age of 11 when she began using nasal drops containing colloidal silver (CS).

As with any heavy metal, the metal becomes lodged in the tissues of the body causing malfunction of the cells in that area as the cells are impaired by the foreign object that is in their way.
It is fairly easy to see that the application of this heavy metal is at the very least not harmless, but detrimental to the natural and normal function of the body. Aside from killing the bacteria within your system that are necessary to the health of your body, you are adding a material that will remain lodged in your tissues long-term and impair the function of all surrounding cells.

If that is not enough to keep you away from this toxic remedy, let us take a deep dive at some of the most common marketed uses for colloidal silver and breakdown why they are not beneficial:
(From “15 Benefits of Colloidal Silver” https://www.assuaged.com/news/15-reasons-you-need-a-bottle-of-colloidal-silver-in-your-home)
“Colloidal silver is a great natural antibiotic…” “…may destroy fungal diseases, viruses, and germs.”
Antibiotic means a product that can kill bacteria, yeasts, healthy cells, and any other living organism it comes into contact with. Since our body contains millions and millions of bacteria, all of which serve an important purpose in our body’s natural processes, including digestion, breakdown of heavy metals and toxins, and wound repair, killing these bacteria does nothing to improve our health, it adds to the overall disease burden on the body.
Additionally, viruses are not alive and therefore cannot be killed. Viruses are spent cellular debris – small fragments of cells that have been broken down either by the application of poison to the body which injures the cells or by the natural breakdown of cells as a part of the natural life cycle of the cell. Destroying viruses means nothing as a virus is a destroyed part of a cell and while it can be broken down further, it was not capable of taking any action prior. For more on Viruses see my article: Are Viruses Real?
Fungus is another naturally occurring part of our body that causes no harm. Killing the fungus has done nothing to remove the reason the body put fungus in place to clean up debris and excess waste. Applying the solution might kill the fungus but it will not remove the reason the fungus exists in the first place, so all you are doing is shooting the messenger while ignoring the message.
By destroying a bacteria, fungus, or virus you have effectively killed the messenger, destroyed the clean-up crew, and left the body in a deeper state of disease than when the symptoms first arose. You may have successfully gotten rid of the messenger, but they will come back because you have done nothing to get rid of the reason for their message. Like killing the flies that are flying around the garbage but leaving the garbage in place you have done nothing to address the problem.
“Fights inflammation”
Inflammation is stage 4 of the disease process (See “The Seven Stages of Disease – https://youtu.be/w4PBOuXiqPA ) and is a healing process. Inflammation includes the swelling of an area due to the body bringing water into the area to flush out toxins and cellular debris and dilute acidic waste products. Inflammation also includes heat as the body brings bacteria to the area to break down dead tissue for recycling and breaking down toxins. The activity of the bacteria creates heat. Inflammation also includes increased blood flow to the area to bring in nutrients and building materials required to make repairs. The body uses inflammation to heal, therefore a product that fights inflammation or shuts down inflammation is not helping the body, but harming the body. This is why when we use products to stop inflammation the inflammation often comes right back after we stop the product.

“Treat eye infections”
The medical concept of infection is that bacteria invade the eye or other areas of the body and wage war randomly on that part of the body. The germ theory narrative states that a single germ or bacteria enters the body and the body is defenseless to beat this single germ, but then the germ multiplies hundreds and thousands of times over, creating an infection, a mass of bacteria that is waging war against the tissues.
Despite being unable to stop the single germ in the beginning the body allows the germ to multiply into an entire battalion and then and only then, once the bacteria has taken hold and laid the body low does the body begin to fight back against the germ. At this point, the allopathic model states that the immune system battles back from its position of weakness and overcomes the thousands of germs that one germ alone was too much for the immune system to handle.
The terrain model states that bacteria work in the body in the same way they are observed to work in nature. Bacteria work upon dead or damaged tissue to break down and recycle the tissue. Bacteria never attacks healthy or live tissue, it only works upon dead tissue. Even the allopath has admitted this fact.
In the terrain model, we recognize that the tissue is injured first by exposure to poison, toxin, or irritant. The bacteria is brought to the area of injury by the body to recycle the damaged tissue. The bacteria is found at the site of injury after the occurrence of injury because it is working on the repair of the injury not because it is a cause of injury. The bacteria increases in population in proportion to the amount of work that needs to be done and then the bacteria population decreases naturally as the area is repaired and the conditions of health are put back into place.
In the allopathic model, the concept of an external bacteria/germ attacking the body is justification for the use of poisons applied to the body to kill the germ.
In the terrain model, we recognize that poisoning a poisoned or injured body is detrimental to the health of the body and that killing the recycling and repair team is counter to the healing processes put in place by the body. Therefore the use of colloidal silver, or any other antibiotic substance is working against the natural healing processes utilized by the body.
The eye becomes irritated by exposure to a poison, toxin, dirt, debris, or other injury and the healing process begins. The body brings bacteria to the area of injury to break down the dead and dying tissue so it can be replaced with new tissue. Applying a poison at this point to kill the bacteria stops the healing process and causes further injury to the body. This is why antibiotics often fail in the first, second, third, or fourth rounds.
“Treat ear infections”
Again the same process of healing is being circumvented by the application of a substance that damages the body. Like the eye infection, the bacteria are in place to assist with healing the injury and the application of the colloidal silver stops the healing process and injures the body in the process.

“Relieve physical injuries (burns, cuts, etc.)”
As mentioned above, the body takes all action. Substances are inert (dead) and cannot take action.
This means when a wound is healed it is the body that is repairing the tissues. The body clots the blood. The body creates the scab. The body eliminates the dead and damaged tissue. The body brings the building materials to the site of injury for repair. All actions are taken by the body.
The body closes wounds slowly and intelligently to allow for the weeping of waste out of the wound. If the wound closes too rapidly there is no exit for the waste and in extreme cases this can lead to sepsis, a danger often experienced when injuries are artificially sown shut with stitches.
The skin is our body’s natural defense from poisons entering the interior of the body. When the skin is injured there is an area where a toxin could potentially enter. If we apply poison to the skin at the area of the wound the body will take action to more rapidly close the wound.
Rather than closing slowly and naturally and allowing for the proper draining of waste as the wound closes, the body is forced to rapidly close the wound trapping the waste inside the body. This waste then requires removal via a different route adding to the overall burden on the body. This is true of all ointments, salves, tinctures, antibiotics, or any other substance placed on a wound. While the wound may close more quickly this is at the expense of the body, not to the body’s benefit.
“Alleviate skin conditions”
Skin conditions like rashes, eczema, or psoriasis are an expulsion symptom.
The body is backed up with acidic waste, toxins, and poisons. The body activates its secondary elimination channel, the skin, to expel these waste materials. In a healthy person, all eliminations move through the primary channels which are the bowels, kidneys, and lungs. When our body is overwhelmed and backed up, more aggressive measures must be put into place.
The body must utilize its backup systems to keep up with the heavy burden. Since these symptoms are how the body pushes waste out when it is already under a heavy burden, the addition of substances that stop the body from pushing the waste out in this area means you are trapping that waste inside the body or forcing the body to find yet another avenue for expulsion. The colloidal silver may clear the symptom, but again it has done so at the expense of the body and has put the body under an even greater burden of disease.

“Heal sinus infections”
Yet again we see the remedy being used to work against the body’s army of healing organisms. A sinus “infection” is the inflammation of the sinuses due to chronic or acute irritation. The application of the toxic heavy metal does not remove the cause of the initial irritation or the chronic irritation. It does nothing to address why the body is irritated. It stops the symptoms again, but again we must ask, why did the body create those symptoms, and is stopping them beneficial? Sneezing allows the body to push out waste, mucus carries out the waste, inflammation results from irritation and the process itself is the way the body rids itself of excess and heals, so again stopping the “infection” is stopping the body-created healing process.
“Cold and flu remedy”
Probably the most dangerous use of a poison like colloidal silver is as a cold or flu remedy. The body creates colds and flu when the conditions inside the body have become intolerable and it does so as a healing process. Colds and flu are a collection of expulsion symptoms like sneezing, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. These symptoms all are pushing material out or breaking the material down so it can be pushed out. Colds and flu occur when the burden on the body has become so great that the vitality of the body is very low and the cells can no longer function as required. The body creates a massive purge of toxins, carried out in mucus and fluids, to alleviate the burden on the body.
“Heal pneumonia”
Pneumonia is the progressive result of attempts to stop cold and flu expulsion events. The more we impair the body’s ability to expel by applying toxic substances to suppress the expulsion symptoms the greater the threat to the body becomes. The body must expel the waste. When it is not able to do so in its initial less aggressive attempts then the mucus continues to build. The body continues to put fluid in the area to dilute the waste with the result being fluid in the lungs awaiting expulsion. This is what the allopathic model calls pneumonia.
The application of colloidal silver does nothing to remove the cause of the pneumonia symptoms or any of the prior symptoms that led up to the body creating pneumonia. If we continue to poison the body at this point with any poison the body can be pushed beyond its ability to survive. Applying colloidal silver to a person with pneumonia can easily result in the death of the patient.
“Treat a sore throat”
Throats become sore due to injury by ingesting irritants, inhaling smoke, drinking alcohol, ingesting cows milk or spicy foods, or cooked foods. Any substance that is not appropriate to our physiology has the potential to cause injury or irritation to the throat. Any toxic substance which is inhaled also can injure the tissues of the throat.
When the tissues become injured the body responds by signaling pain to force us to stop eating so that we stop using the throat long enough for the body to make the necessary repairs. The body puts bacteria in place to break down dead and damaged tissues and recycle them. Applying colloidal silver kills the bacteria that is there making its repairs. Again, the colloidal silver has done nothing to remove the cause of the initial injury and the application of the poison impairs the healing processes leaving an excess burden for the body to deal with on top of the initial injury.
“Treatment for pets”
“infections, minor cuts and wounds, eye and ear infections, and ringworm”
Not only do we injure ourselves by ingesting and inhaling this heavy metal but then we apply the poison to our companions for the same reasons. We seek to suppress and shut down the symptoms which have been put in place by the body to heal the body and by doing so we add additional disease conditions and further impair the body. There are no safe uses for colloidal silver in pets, just like you would not apply any other heavy metal to your dog or cat for any reason.
The remainder of the uses listed in this article are household uses not relevant to this particular article but you can see from this list of common uses that the only perceived benefits are a misunderstanding of the healing processes of the body and an attempt to shut the body down as it makes attempts to clean, repair and heal.
Removal of Cause is the only path to health
Like all remedies, pharma or natural, there is no effort to remove the cause, there is only an attempt to suppress or hide symptoms, the symptoms themselves being the cure that is created by the body. In all cases, the remedy is working against the body, suppressing or interfering with the healing processes of the body and resulting in a greater condition of disease after the application of the toxic substance.
These purported benefits are all a result of the allopathic mindset of applying poisons to a poisoned body in an attempt to heal by poisoning. This is the opposite of the terrain model in which the objective is to remove the sources of poisoning and injury and allow the self-healing body to proceed as designed to repair and clean.
Do you want to learn more about how our self-healing and self-cleaning body remedies disease conditions and returns to a state of health when the conditions of health are supplied? Start by reading “Why do we get sick?
Have more questions? Want to get answers about your specific health issues or concerns? I offer consultations, learn more about them here: Consultations
Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group: New Groups start on the 1st of every month! Support Group Information and Sign Up Form
Eat fruit and be well my friends.
Silver is not a heavy metal. It is a noble metal. Showing these extreme and rare cases isn’t helpful. It’s fear-mongering as much as the ones who push the germ theory.
When it comes to its density, silver is a heavy metal. It is also a noble metal. Being one does not negate being the other. And even if it was not labeled as a heavy metal it would still be toxic regardless of the classification. Silver has no biological role in the body, and it is particularly toxic to lower organisms such as the bacteria that is created by our body and essential to all bodily functions. It should be quite obvious that the promotion of colloidal silver use is the promotion of the germ theory. The entire purpose of ingesting this poison is the same exact purpose as taking a pharmaceutical poison, to kill the germs put in place by your body to heal the body. Only germ theory proponents use toxic substances to kill germs to suppress symptoms. There is no non-medicinal (poisoning) use of colloidal silver. Not one. You cannot use the substance without following germ theory rationale – apply the poison to kill the germ to alter the symptom or stop the symptom. The symptom is created by the body to heal the body, the colloidal silver, like all poisonous drugs stops the symptom the body is using for its benefit. There is no escaping germ theory in the promotion of ingestion of this poison.